Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perceived reputation of institutions and the suitability of course content obviously have implications for the marketing policies of institutions .
2 The suppliers lost count of the ancient oaks , not to mention the chestnut and cherry trees , cut down to provide panelling for the two grand offices reserved for the couple , but also for hundreds of function rooms and apparatchiks ' offices .
3 If you are going to speak in them , slow down to allow time for the sound to travel .
4 Naturally , they ca n't all come at weekends , so several get together to form parties for a mid-week break in the great outdoors .
5 The probability is that in May or October ( still a toss-up between them ) Mrs Thatcher will offer more of the same , judging by what has been emerging from the dozen policy groups set up to produce ideas for the manifesto .
6 In particular , the technical panels set up to consider workplans for the administrative networks component of telematics are currently in suspension , but the Commission has urged that replies to the questionnaires should still be sent in since these will be worked on and evaluated in the meantime .
7 In his speech he said , ‘ May I suggest to you and your Council that you have the debate I suggested about the economic and environmental factors and then set out to provide leadership for the industry in reconciling these items . ’
8 We then set about gathering others for the work .
9 The Henderson deal also includes sponsorship for a Horse of the Year Show event and £80,000 for a new series of eight grands prix at county shows .
10 using this understanding to critically examine current activities and go on to set targets for the future .
11 Work for the A-level examination in English Literature means a narrow concentration on a limited number of texts , and curricular pressures do not leave time for the undirected contextual reading that would provide broader literary experience .
12 ( ii ) Changing house — Most court orders relate to a specific property and do not make provision for the wife moving house and occupying another property upon similar terms and conditions .
13 Please do not send bookings for the free places direct to the two colleges .
14 Consequently , requirements for the registration of fishing vessels ( even though they may determine , in the same way as conditions for the grant of licences , access to fishing activities , including fishing for species subject to quotas ) do not constitute measures for the management of national quotas within the meaning of article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 .
15 It should be pointed out , however , that the results of the Forster and Olbrei experiment do not provide evidence for a constant effect of syntactic analysis since a correlation coefficient of.65 accounts for less than 40 per cent of the variance in processing times .
16 It is not defamatory to predict , incorrectly , take-over or cessations of business , which might have the effect of injuring trade but which do not reduce esteem for the trader .
17 ‘ We do not need solicitors for every tiny detail , ’ he pointed out exasperatedly .
18 If conditions subsequently permit some slackening of the measures , that can easily be done , especially as the major tax changes do not take effect for a year .
19 If conditions subsequently permit some slackening of the measures , that can easily be done , especially as the major tax changes do not take effect for a year .
20 A normal 2¼ does not run out of steam at 60mph Check that on full throttle the carb is actually on full throttle 24v distributors do not have provision for a vacuum ignition timing advance only a mechanical system which is prone to failure Also as the 24v plugs are very expensive these are seldom changed once out of the forces A cure this You do not comment on the general state of the engine possibly a decoke , piston rings and cylinder head skim ( up to 65 thousandsths of an inch ) which will give you the performance and reliability you require
21 If you do not have space for a build-in model beside or under the sink , there are portables available that sit on the worktop , where they can be connected to the taps and drains for washing .
22 We do not have space for a full description of all the experimental techniques used in obtaining the results discussed in this book .
23 They do not have fittings for a flexible shutter release cable .
24 Now if you do n't improve access for the disabled when you build a new station , you 'll never improve it .
25 Viewers do n't switch channels for a good professional journalist ; what prompts that switch is something less tangible . ’
26 again which they 've had have n't they ? , for how many weeks in the year do you actually attend cos I said that you do n't get grant for the holidays and it stipulates the term
27 ‘ People think that you do n't need wood for a cremation , — the spokesman told New ’ Scientist , ‘ but you do , because bones are very difficult to burn , as that chap in North London found out .
28 He flatly rejected talks with the opposition , saying : ‘ We do n't need suggestions for the improvement of socialism that are really intended to cause its demise . ’
29 and they do n't have keys for the door .
30 Yes , the Royal College suggested that maybe twenty per cent of all examinations that are carried out er maybe do n't have benefits for the patient , and in that sense are unjustified .
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