Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 If you are not familiar with any of these , I have summarised them below so you can learn the fingering shapes and go on to practise them in all keys .
2 My response to these people is , if you can , t do the thing properly , then , please , do not do it at all .
3 We do not remember them for all the facts which they rammed into our heads , nor for praise or punishment , but for the way that they seemed to recognize our inner selves , and spoke to our essence .
4 ‘ The fact that in saying that you clearly mean to reassure me , ’ said Lydia , ‘ shows that you do not know me at all well .
5 I do not see them at all .
6 The long lists of ‘ doubles ’ ( usually carp ) that some anglers publish each season do not impress me at all .
7 Some judges make extensive use of shoulder headings ; some do not use them at all .
8 Considering the Hay & Maddock results for human geography , where the authors found that 40% of social scientists rarely refer to theses , and 29% do not use them at all , it will be apparent that geological theses form a significant element in the communication process , since almost half of them are cited .
9 Lots of young couples do not use contraception on their first time , and many do not use it at all .
10 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
11 Many of the topics they raise during this election campaign do not interest us at all .
12 ‘ Either you support the programme or you amend it , which means you do not support it at all , ’ he said .
13 Therefore there is a logical tendency to preclude from view the social reasons why people are using the land in such a way as to cause excessive soil erosion , and so most conservation policies do not address them at all .
14 Please continue a positive attitude to gay issues , or do n't do it at all .
15 As Sam Snort always says , those that talk about it most , do it least , and those who talk about it least do n't do it at all .
17 That 's up to yourself , I personally do n't do it at all
18 Well , not necessarily , sometimes I do n't tell them at all or they comment on it and I explain , it 's a , but it 's only been yesterday and today you see really .
19 ‘ I do n't regret it at all , ’ says Nigel firmly .
20 We wanted to send Doreen to her family , but they do n't want her after all — ’
21 ‘ I do n't fancy it at all , Captain . ’
22 But you do n't love me at all !
23 Perhaps you do n't love me at all .
24 They probably do n't mean me at all .
25 Indeed , the Ventura manual does n't even get around to mentioning the ruler until the end of section 5 in its manual and there are books on the program that do n't mention it at all !
26 ‘ I do n't blame her at all .
27 I do n't blame him at all
28 I do n't blame you at all .
29 It took a few bumps on the head for him to get used to the low ceiling and the prominent oak beams , but now they do n't bother him at all .
30 ‘ And I do n't hate you at all .
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