Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 They called the film they made about me Too Long a Winter , and I have to declare immediately that I do not care for winter at all , for neither mind nor body agrees with it .
2 Sentences ( 2b ) and ( 2d ) do not come into consideration at all .
3 The world has invented many industrial processes which often create pollutants of a kind that do not occur in nature at all .
4 I mean a lot of people who live on the do n't go into town at all .
5 I do n't believe in love at first sight , and I think it 's a dangerous philosophy .
6 I do n't believe in sexuality at all .
7 Rocks do n't come into existence at a high rate , but once they exist they are hard and durable .
8 I mean some schools have not gone off site at all you know they 've actually stayed inside
9 I have n't succumbed to weariness at Uncle Jim 's bedside and fallen asleep ?
10 erm which we do , which we have n't got in stock at the moment , but we can always get hold of
11 We have then to look in detail at the ways in which relatively constant biological processes and relatively variable means of production have combined both in specifically comparable and in specifically variable ways , always within specific social ( historico-social ) situations .
12 Simply knowing that two people are linked in a particular genealogical relationship does not necessarily predict that they will acknowledge any responsibilities towards each other , not even whether they have actually kept in contact at a minimal level .
13 THREE NEW EXHIBITS for the Midland Air Museum have recently arrived on site at Coventry Airport , Warks .
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