Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] way [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I put the list away in my file , lock the room and carefully pick my way down the little staircase .
2 I just have to be careful as I pick my way past the grubby piles of snow at the edges of the pavement .
3 The woods crowd in on me as I make my way along the ancient track .
4 At seven on the Saturday night of the prêt-à-porter showings , I make my way up the mirrored staircase in Chanel 's couture house in the rue Cambon .
5 I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes , heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate .
6 I walk slowly through the tunnel beneath the line , one of a dozen returning commuters , cross over the road with ten of them , make my way through the gnarled little streets beyond the redundant town hall with eight of the ten , and begin to climb the scarp of the South London hills with the remaining five .
7 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
8 The main advantage with this system would be that players from junior clubs could get noticed by selectors and make their way up the representative ladder without having to move clubs .
9 But this , of course , is mere speculation : I can not inhabit his mind nor even imagine my way through the dark labyrinth of its distortions and obsessions .
10 After a short time , Reni 's wife excused herself , and everyone stood , watching her wend her way through the small jungle , looking lonelier than ever as she went .
11 Perhaps a telling comment on this is that a major reason for the recruitment of top , superannuated civil servants into business is that they know their way round the political labyrinth of Whitehall .
12 Only in the nineteenth century did some of them find their way into the new museums .
13 When inhaled , the aromatic molecules of essential oils reach the lungs from where they diffuse across the air sacs into the surrounding blood capillaries ( which lie just under the surface of the sacs ) and eventually find their way into the main blood vessels from where they circulate in the blood and exert their therapeutic effect .
14 Here the blaze had started , killing Dame Frances whilst the rest of the nuns , given some warning , had managed to jump out of the windows or find their way down the outside stairs .
15 All find their way to the dirty hollow ‘ , followed by cheers that echoed out like firing .
16 Every immigrant family carries this sense of pain somewhere in its psyche , but often it is left to the women to hold the sense of pain and loss while the husbands and children find their way in the new world .
17 Greens hope to rally crowds to block the road-building crews as they hack their way into the thick forest .
18 As the overture reaches ‘ Hi-Ho ’ , I grope my way across the pitch-black stage until my outstretched hands make contact with a rostrum set centre-stage .
19 We grope our way to the back door and up the stairs , lit by a single spluttering candle and tumble drunkenly into bed .
20 But as I watched him pick his way along the lifeless paths , I understood how much of him expected the whole world to be mournful now that Montaine had abandoned it .
21 It would take her ages to manoeuvre back and forth and force her way into the relentless stream of traffic .
22 You work and scrape your way into the big time , you achieve most of the things you want — houses , cars , gorgeous wife , foreign travel , all the things you dreamed of when you were a grubby kid — and then , when you settle back to enjoy them , it all goes wrong . ’
23 This is a confusing area , and in mist and rain , navigation can often be awkward as you slip and slide your way across the greasy limestone .
24 Make your way to the southern side of Loch Assynt and follow the shore as long as you can and then take the easiest line of travel staying parallel to the loch .
25 When you wind your way around the picturesque Lincoln Half-marathon course , look out for a little chap dressed in green who 'll be running backwards .
26 Ring after ring of rough-hewn stone walls thunder their way across the open plain on the deserted south-eastern edge of the city .
27 The Robins sing their way to the big time .
28 I know you 're a grown woman but so are most of the others who lurch their way down the not-so-primrosy path to the Betty Ford Clinic . ’
29 Work your way to the other end — the last trench is simply filled in with the barrowed top spit from the first row .
30 So let's start with the first mouthful and work our way down the whole digestive tract , to explain fully the marvellous benefits of this new slimming method .
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