Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] be [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What upset me was hearing the door locked .
2 I mean I was picking the competencies off that er display and marketing guidance , interpersonal skills , group work , library and information work and equal opportunities .
3 I mean I was showing the figures and proved that er it was n't paying its way but to me it had always been our shop , you know , from when I was child and wonderful memories you know .
4 ‘ Never forget you are leaving the continent of dreams for the land of memory .
5 1 comb ( for moment when you look into a magnificent eighteenth-century 18′ x 18′ mirror and suddenly realise you 're letting the whole place down with your unkempt hair )
6 But the police say you are breaking the law in doing this .
7 Remember the successes , remember the positive improvements ( even look back to six months ago and find it difficult to believe how much better you are meeting the challenge of hearing loss ) and then tell yourself , quite truthfully , that you are growing every day in con
8 Former employees of Maxwell companies say they 're hoping the MPs new initiative could lead to them receiving some compensation .
9 And they say they 're lobbying the government for more cash to build new premises .
10 Police say they 're determined the catch the latest attacker .
11 Small businesses which have been losing trade to a new supermarket say they 're dreading the opening of a second one nearby , this autumn .
12 Trading standards officers say they 're losing the battle against computer game pirates who cost the industry twenty million pounds a year .
13 Trading standards officers say they 're losing the battle against computer game pirates who cost the industry twenty million pounds a year .
14 British Gas say they 're investigating the possibility that a fire had been left on , and unlit , all night .
15 They sell goods direct from communities in developing countries and say they 're selling the briquetters to encourage Eric Lamont-Gregory in his quest to export his invention to the third world .
16 Detective say they 're treating the death as suspicious .
17 Halcrows say they are stabilising the soil by pinning down the hillsides .
18 Oracle Corp and Ingres say they are supporting the product .
19 The three say they were issued the cash by a bank and did n't know it was phoney .
20 Rivals say it 's costing the Murdoch empire millions , when the Times is already loss making .
21 Say it 's to drain the West Bog . "
22 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
23 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
24 But , as Ronnie Convery found out , within the Church itself he 's under fire from some liberal Catholics who say he 's turning the clock back .
25 Police hunting a drugs importer who was involved in the death of a cocaine courier say he 's left the country .
26 I hope she was telling the truth .
27 ‘ I hope you are telling the truth , ’ Cranston tartly observed .
28 I 'm agreeably surprised to see it 's three thousand , I hope we 're getting the quality of advice that is necessary for such a large organisation .
29 ‘ This is a moment for the governors to take hold of things and show they are running the BBC .
30 Clear , I hope he 's clearing the salt up .
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