Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [to-vb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So next time you see a decaying barn or cottage , stop the car , take a snap or two , and send them to SAVE with the name and address of the property .
2 ‘ We want them to grow with the company . ’
3 Unless you want me to help with the washing-up ? ’
4 It is a shame , however , that they want nothing to do with the RUC .
5 Hence it was decided to select an available parser and modify it to cope with the recognition task .
6 And I would say to him , look Joe , you know what to do with the Buckeyes , I say , You go across to the yard and get them ready , set them you see .
7 You know what to do with the boat . ’
8 Erm let's see , usually what happens is there 's an exam board in June after people have hopefully done all their coursework and , and done their exams and then we decide what to do with the people er you know who 've failed something or there 's stuff missing
9 Well I think something to do with the church is n't it .
10 When the reports and figures come in , you should discuss them with your solicitor and instruct him to negotiate with the vendor 's solicitor a reduction in price to take account of the defects , independent valuation and any discrepancies in boundaries/room sizes .
11 It saw the CNAA connection as being ‘ with the substance , not the shadow ’ , and CNAA degrees as being not ‘ a caste mark to be sought or scorned but … an opportunity to shape courses that will help those who follow them to live with the caprices of economic and social change ’ .
12 ‘ There is definitely an ‘ ideal girl ’ , and I 've nothing to do with the creation of her .
13 Well no , they take them to go with the horses .
14 The clues come together nicely , or should I say eventually , but just require you to persevere with the game and take notes when you find new clues .
15 I do n't think you wish us to tamper with the microphones at all do you ?
16 The second reason is a nagging doubt that perhaps we are researching fictions of our own making ; that is , we are producing theories about experimental subjects in laboratory situations which have nothing to do with the individual in society .
17 With people who 'd be have nothing to do with the music business or just you know it 's just the social er the social life you know .
18 Bats may even use the sensations that we call colour for their own purposes , to represent differences in the world out there that have nothing to do with the physics of wavelength , but which play a functional role , for the bat , similar to the role that colours play to us .
19 But these abuses and reforms have nothing to do with the order made by Buckley J. in the present proceedings .
20 Molly , Edith ( Harlow ) and I were talking about the Medauring in Germany started by Sofie Trappe , and I said we ought to form a group in England — Molly 's reaction was ‘ that 's fine Andy so long as I have nothing to do with the organisation ’ … so that year we formed the Studio Club .
21 The Philistines have nothing to do with the Arabs , a Semitic people , who invaded the Holy Land from Arabia in the seventh century .
22 But just as the policy determinants of welfare are multiple , and sometimes unexpected , so individuals ' welfare is influenced by phenomena that have nothing to do with the activity of the state .
23 Now you 're always making a balance in developing drugs and I have nothing to do with the drug industry , I 'm a G P , you have a balance between trying to move things forward to get people better and on the other hand making sure that you 're not going to do them any great harm .
24 In this Court we have nothing to do with the question of whether the legislature has or has not done what foreign powers may consider a usurpation in a question with them .
25 I have nothing to do with the LA lifestyle ; I do n't go to ‘ the party ’ — you know , the one that 's always going on somewhere .
26 Standards may well rise from 1990 , but the rise may stem from the National Curriculum , testing , parental choice , opting out , or other factors which have nothing to do with the ERA .
27 They are at the expense of people who have nothing to do with the production or consumption of a product — but who end up paying the costs .
28 They show that those tests have nothing to do with the amount spent per pupil in individual authority areas — some of the biggest spenders were right down at the bottom .
29 Hence Costello , The Triffids , The Go-Betweens … well , we 're thoroughly partial to all of them , but strongly suspect that they have nothing to do with the rupture , the indecency of pop .
30 By contrast , Wafa stated , the killings in Egypt had been carried out by people " who have nothing to do with the PLO " .
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