Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 we ca n't go to the stage well I mean I ca n't be bothered
2 If you do n't agree with me please say I wo n't be offended at all if you disagree .
3 ( 2 ) Unlike a police interview you will not be given what is called a caution .
4 ‘ I expect we shall just be spending the evening quietly — dinner at the pensione and then an early night . ’
5 The travellers say they wo n't be moving on for a few days and tonight , the festival still appears to be in full swing.Local people are angry after finding drug-taking equipment dumped in gardens , and sheep savaged to death at a local farm .
6 Police say they wo n't be intimidated by its violent supporters .
7 They charge you an extra quid for booking with a credit card , and say they ca n't be held responsible if the postman wobs the ticket in transit .
8 ‘ There are people who say they would n't be seen dead on of these things , but after one ride they 're queuing up .
9 More than half say they would n't be put off a woman if they knew she carried condoms ; only 17% would regard it as a turn-off .
10 The Scots say they can only be driven away by holding up an open Bible in their face .
11 It is the logic of the asylum to sell scanners without restriction and then say they should n't be used for the purpose most people buy them .
12 An avalanche 's blocked the track outside Sion and first reports say it wo n't be cleared before daybreak .
13 A DIY breathalyser will soon be able to tell drivers if they are over the limit — but police say it ca n't be trusted .
14 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
15 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
16 ‘ While people are cautious about a lot of developments in Europe , rightly so , and while they are looking for British advantage , rightly so , they realise it can not be done from the back of the class .
17 The police say he wo n't be facing any charges .
18 ‘ The hospital say he ca n't be moved for two months yet , ’ said Annunziata , picking up the tray again , ‘ but then il dottore will arrange everything .
19 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
20 But particularly in a public sector context , where appeals to the public interest could be assumed to be more common , profound questions remain which can not be resolved by terse definitions .
21 PAMELA : [ alone ] I hope I shall not be deserted at the hour of my trial .
22 I hope I wo n't be misunderstood here .
23 It is important , however , that employees retain a sense of perspective in identifying words and conduct which may reasonably be perceived as causing harassment , alarm or distress as opposed to mere annoyance .
24 I hope she wo n't be wanting any palimony from me .
25 ‘ I hope you wo n't be getting steaming drunk again .
26 ‘ I hope you wo n't be hurt , Dad .
27 I hope you 'll soon be done .
28 Pammy Jane added : ‘ I hope they wo n't be dragged into this .
29 I hope they wo n't be writing to her in God !
30 And I hope they can now be resolved .
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