Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [noun sg] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To ease the changeover , the Membership Working Party had recommended that the September Medau News feature an article about Membership which would particularly thank group secretaries , who we would like to call class secretaries in future , for all their past efforts and seek their co-operation with the new system .
2 The editor 's notes reveal his disillusionment with the increasing commercialisation of the game although he calls for ‘ changes which would provide a dynamic , viable circuit for the professional game in the 1990s and beyond ’ .
3 whatever the method of application , and there are many ways , in choosing to use texture you show your involvement with the physical progression of the painting .
4 The Aleutian trench is thus where it hits the North American Plate ; the trenches of Kurlin , Japan , Bonin , Mariana ( the deepest in the world , with a hole of 36,201 feet ) , Yap , Palau and Manus indicate its collision with the Eurasian Plate ; the Mussau , Solomon , Vitiaz , Torres and New Hebrides trenches show where the Pacific Plate overrides the subducted Indo-Australian Plate ; and the Tonga , Kermadec , Hikurangi , Hjort , Iselin and Balleny trenches demonstrate the effect of bumping into the same Indo — Australian Plate and passing beneath it .
5 Whether the Ipswich directors who watched him blow his top with the unwitting journalist believe that is debatable .
6 As part of this study , it was additionally possible to investigate ( a ) a variety of domain-specific dictionaries and compare their performance with the general dictionary , and ( b ) the extent to which collocations compiled from one domain could contribute to the recognition of text from another .
7 The doctor will ask you to relax ; he will insert gloved fingers into the vagina and feel your abdomen with the other hand .
8 None was as close as Ewan had been , but they did their best , bringing him the gossip , chattering , urging him to rise , to dress , to come out , come down and eat his dinner with the other folk .
9 There groups of men along with youths over the bar mitzvah age of thirteen would gather at eight o'clock , and to the muttered accompaniment of the special blessings each would kiss his phylacteries , wind one around left arm , palm and second finger , encircle his forehead with the other , and then join in reciting the ritual prayers .
10 Start your safari with the old varieties of vegetables , flowers , shrubs and trees .
11 At the same time , the walls of the pocket become extremely thin but retain their connection with the general epidermis .
12 The members of this parliament immediately set about introducing legislation to reform abuses within the English Catholic church , and during the course of the next seven years they passed a series of statutes which would lead that church into schism and formalize its break with the Roman papacy , which has lasted down to the present day .
13 Despite problems of cutbacks and a diminution of services , more than two-thirds of nurses quizzed still see their future with the National Health Service .
14 to create the teams required and plan their integration with the other two Divisions ;
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