Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I put the list away in my file , lock the room and carefully pick my way down the little staircase .
2 I just have to be careful as I pick my way past the grubby piles of snow at the edges of the pavement .
3 The woods crowd in on me as I make my way along the ancient track .
4 At seven on the Saturday night of the prêt-à-porter showings , I make my way up the mirrored staircase in Chanel 's couture house in the rue Cambon .
5 I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes , heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate .
6 I walk slowly through the tunnel beneath the line , one of a dozen returning commuters , cross over the road with ten of them , make my way through the gnarled little streets beyond the redundant town hall with eight of the ten , and begin to climb the scarp of the South London hills with the remaining five .
7 I put my hair up , belt my waist with a red suede sash from Los Angeles and pencil my lips a deep red .
8 I touch my pocket for the reassuring packet of Diocalm .
9 So , too , if you shift my bicycle from a public stand in order to get at your own , and forget to replace mine so that it is stolen by someone , that may be trespass , but it is not conversion .
10 One depicts Mary 's first husband , Francis II , three times rushing to welcome her in heaven , and three times finding that he can only embrace a headless body , so that he curses his people ; whereupon the poet exhorts them to forget their own troubles , and unite to destroy England and send its queen to a dreadful death .
11 They base their prognosis on the aggressive new product development and marketing that has been Cadbury 's hallmark in recent years .
12 And although the majority of materialist philosophers base their belief in the neurophysiological theory of perception on arguments rather than observations , they are , nevertheless , greatly influenced by the apparent successes of neurophysiology .
13 Some place their emphasis upon the transcendent otherness of God and the traditional ‘ good ’ music which expresses it .
14 Editor , — David E Mutton and colleagues report their analysis of the national Down 's syndrome register for 1989–91 .
15 " Most people have an affection for trees and think they 're beautiful and necessary to the landscape and so on , but it 's important that we also realise their value as a national asset .
16 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
17 One whiff of the opened container will make an on-heat goat wag her tail in the characteristic manner .
18 Opponents of the party leader say his criticism of the pre-meeting comments to the press as disloyal increased the political temperature which exploded when he pointed out to three executive members that collective responsibility had worked in their favour in past occasions and any comments should be made in private .
19 Forget his disappointments , forget that he was unmarried , childless , forget his hunger for a loving mother , forget that he was ugly , freezing cold , in disgrace .
20 You want his summing-up on the human race , ten years before his death ?
21 Gary Newbon , head of sport for Central , will tonight reveal his masterplan — to purchase a Premier League club and provide his company with an influential foothold for future TV negotiations .
22 For the uninitiated , you place your breast on a breast-high slab of ice-cold metal and then watch in deep disbelief as a second slab of ice-cold metal descends onto the breast , elongating it into a sort of Bourbon biscuit shape .
23 Base your selection on the new symptoms that have appeared .
24 Fit your car with a catalytic converter , if possible , or trade it in for a new model — cars made after 1993 must have them .
25 Site your pond in an open , sunny place that is well away from trees .
26 Mourning leads to happiness when through it we sense our place within the human family , and our need for God 's love .
27 You just steer your spaceship into a suitable black hole .
28 ‘ Meanwhile , ’ Damian said coolly , ‘ I suggest we celebrate our victory with a serious night on the town .
29 And it works the better as the fingers slide and touch and play while you close your eyes and empty your head of every other sensation being fed into it .
30 When answering a problem , never preface your answer with a general disquisition on the department of law relating to the problem .
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