Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I put the list away in my file , lock the room and carefully pick my way down the little staircase .
2 I just have to be careful as I pick my way past the grubby piles of snow at the edges of the pavement .
3 The woods crowd in on me as I make my way along the ancient track .
4 At seven on the Saturday night of the prêt-à-porter showings , I make my way up the mirrored staircase in Chanel 's couture house in the rue Cambon .
5 I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes , heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate .
6 I walk slowly through the tunnel beneath the line , one of a dozen returning commuters , cross over the road with ten of them , make my way through the gnarled little streets beyond the redundant town hall with eight of the ten , and begin to climb the scarp of the South London hills with the remaining five .
7 I touch my pocket for the reassuring packet of Diocalm .
8 They base their prognosis on the aggressive new product development and marketing that has been Cadbury 's hallmark in recent years .
9 And although the majority of materialist philosophers base their belief in the neurophysiological theory of perception on arguments rather than observations , they are , nevertheless , greatly influenced by the apparent successes of neurophysiology .
10 Some place their emphasis upon the transcendent otherness of God and the traditional ‘ good ’ music which expresses it .
11 Editor , — David E Mutton and colleagues report their analysis of the national Down 's syndrome register for 1989–91 .
12 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
13 One whiff of the opened container will make an on-heat goat wag her tail in the characteristic manner .
14 Opponents of the party leader say his criticism of the pre-meeting comments to the press as disloyal increased the political temperature which exploded when he pointed out to three executive members that collective responsibility had worked in their favour in past occasions and any comments should be made in private .
15 You want his summing-up on the human race , ten years before his death ?
16 Base your selection on the new symptoms that have appeared .
17 Mourning leads to happiness when through it we sense our place within the human family , and our need for God 's love .
18 To view in colour , just plug your monitor into the external VGA video port — also fully compatible with all pre-VGA standards .
19 The riverbank rushed towards her with dizzying speed as the stiffness in her legs caused her stumble and lose her balance on the uneven ground .
20 Now the larger giant supertankers bring their oil to the deep water terminal at Finnart , on the western fjord coast , and a new pipeline carries it to Grangemouth .
21 The men fish and sell their catch along the little promenade .
22 At this meeting the divisions review their performance in the current year and present and answer questions on their plans for the following year .
23 Entrants had to pick one of the four sections and develop their design from the abstract ideas that they found there .
24 Thus most Ulster Catholics want Ulster to be merged with Eire in a united Ireland ; Ulster Protestants vigorously oppose such a policy and stress their loyalty to the British Crown .
25 Often when on a winter 's night we youngsters were seated round the hearth … would she set her wheel aside , take a pinch of snuff , hutch her chair towards the other hob , and excite our curiosity and wonder by strange and fearful tales of witches , spirits , and apparitions , whilst we listened in silence and awe , and scarcely breathing , contemplated in imagination , the visions of an unseen world , which her narratives conjured up before us .
26 The problem with environmental legislation of every kind is that , while we all applaud the intentions , we know automatically that the large-scale offenders have their own scientists , barristers , public-relations campaigns and representation in the House of Lords , that government inspectorates are hopelessly understaffed , and that consequently , at a local level , the enforcers concentrate their attention on the small fry who lack the time and resources to answer back .
27 The main advantage with this system would be that players from junior clubs could get noticed by selectors and make their way up the representative ladder without having to move clubs .
28 All make their contribution to the British Army , which is organised so that they can remain intensely proud of their Englishness , Irishness , Scottishness and Welshness , while fighting for Britain .
29 People who make their living in the informal sector are also required to pay all kinds of petty taxes , including business licenses , market charges and fees to government officials before permits can be issued .
30 He was very untypical of the modern world who dislike the modern world and make their dislike of the modern world perfectly evident of other people
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