Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now normally over each break there 's not that much there 's I 've had a few students who say they want lessons through the holiday cut normally not that much but this
2 Let us give thanks for the many people throughout history who have dedicated their lives to working for peace and justice .
3 Let us give thanks for the progress made in scientific research , for the luxuries and comforts it has given us , for the assistance in curing disease , with storing information and with improving communications .
4 Let us give thanks for the beauty of the world .
5 Let us give thanks for the example of love and compassion shown to us by the life of Jesus Christ .
6 Let us give thanks for the example given to us by Jesus Christ .
7 Let us give thanks for the gift of laughter .
8 ‘ Well , ’ she said , pretending to address the whole class , ‘ let us leave sums for the moment and see if any of you have begun to learn to spell .
9 I mean you learn things off the others .
10 IN nearly every town I visit I see buildings with the sign : To let , Modern Offices .
11 The leader as always is er is a directive agency , the leader as it were erm takes over the individual self-determination by erm effectively telling telling the good what to do erm how can this er does this have to be in in one direction only I mean one gets the feelings very often you know you see things in the newspaper crowd hysteria and so on , erm do crowds always have to become kind of primitive and regressed or or can leaders influence them in other directions ?
12 They just they th they refu you know they lift balls into the box now .
13 He had the great gift of making you feel confident in your own ability to do things , and I know he did wonders for the West Riding children .
14 The case concerned the tax liability of teachers employed at Malvern College , a fee-paying school , under a concessionary fees scheme which allowed members of the staff of the school to have their sons educated at the school at 20 per cent of the fees charged to the public .
15 ‘ I suppose you have speakers in the trees . ’
16 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
17 In the year 1254 , when Laurence was residing at Halling , we find him exchanging letters with the Archbishop of Canterbury , dated and addressed from his Palace at Halling .
18 And now I find myself eating tomatoes in the winter , which must be considered something of a luxury .
19 Afterwards , Ken told him : ‘ Never give me dialogue and ask me to handle props at the same time . ’
20 The owners of these vouchers could either sell them for cash on the secondary market ; or use them to buy shares in the privatisations of 6,000 medium-to-large companies due this year .
21 Council tenants also receive an indirect subsidy as a result of the central government grants to local authorities for housing which enable them to set rents below the level that would otherwise have been needed .
22 Some use it to scrape algae from the rocks .
23 From my trouser pocket I take a handkerchief , and I use it to clean fingerprints off the gun .
24 Occasionally it would extend one of its sensors and use it to draw shapes in the dirt .
25 bet it snows trees at the front of our
26 [ These would ] enable us to do things for the alliance which they ca n't do .
27 These enable us to make statements about the relative influence of parents and peers and the effect of social and linguistic maturation .
28 I think I detect straws in the wind that point in that direction .
29 My own memories of the uprising of 1956 are hazy , though I think I remember recordings of the appeal by prime minister Imre Nagy to the Western Powers for help .
30 Prolonged autoradiographic exposure of the gel ( as shown here ) was necessary to visualize the complex between the HSV-1 IE-3 promoter and intact Vmw175 ( lane 5 ) marked by an arrow to the left hand side of panel A. Panels B. and C. show DNase I footprinting analyses of the HSV-1 IE-3 promoter AvaI-BamHI fragment ( -18 to +27 ) , but only nucleotides -15 to +15 are shown .
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