Example sentences of "[det] also [vb -s] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This also produces a high measure of breakage of the bones of their prey , although not as great as that of mammalian predators .
2 This also requires a good working relationship with the attendance department .
3 you can of course cut copper pipe with a hacksaw , but you will get better results with a pipe cutter ; this also includes a reaming tool to remove the burr form the inside of the pipe .
4 This also gives a good opportunity to educate about diet and test that knowledge in practical terms as well as enhancing motivation to comply .
5 This also gives a good chance of having both sexes present .
6 Notice that this also contains a small rectangle in the lower right corner , denoting that this icon has a sub-menu .
7 ( This also makes a wonderful risotto base . )
8 This also implies a positive relationship between volume and volatility for fixed intervals of time , as argued by Clark ( 1973 ) .
9 Sinking fund or purchase fund effect This also has a negative effect on price .
10 As in " The retreate " , a distal demonstrative construction is used to point to time past ; and this also has a qualifying element ( the phrase " which can not die " ) .
11 This also has a cooling effect , encouraging condensation
12 This also provides a useful framework for a report-style presentation .
13 This also provides a valuable workshop for restoration of various projects , being a credit to all concerned .
14 This also provides an instant monitor of the distribution of actual and/or perceived problems presented by schools .
15 Every type has a unique charm and each also poses a unique challenge to the angler .
16 If the Unix suppliers are able to agree on a consistent systems management application programming interface — and each also uses a similar implementation of the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Corba — independent software vendors would be able to offer binary system management applications running across a variety of platforms .
17 If the Unix suppliers are able to agree on a consistent systems management application programming interface — and each also uses a similar implementation of the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Corba — independent software vendors would be able to offer binary system management applications running across a variety of machines .
18 Hourani describes a sense of secondariness in contemporary Arab identity : ‘ It is no longer to have a standard of values of one 's own , not to be able to create but only to imitate ; and so not even to imitate correctly , since that also needs a certain originality . ’
19 It is of interest , therefore , that ulcerative colitis is the only disease , other than PSC , that also has a significant proportion of patients with a type 1 anti-neutrophil antibody pattern .
20 The latter also offers a multi-disciplinary design course .
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