Example sentences of "[det] its [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are also concerned that the North Down and Ards unit has lost half its beds in the last 10 years and recent board proposals are likely to mean another hundred closures .
2 In conclusion , I ask is it sensible needlessly to destroy a system which provides the best standard of living for all its citizens on the African continent and replace it with a system which will bring misery in the short-term and has little proof that it will ever attain today 's standard of living in the long term ?
3 The Soviet side had initially responded with a counterproposal involving ceilings for both sides of either 225,000 or 195,000 troops for Europe as a whole ( thereby calling on the United States either to accept an imbalance of 30,000 troops in Central Europe or to withdraw some or all its forces from the other countries ) , but accepted the original proposal after the US side had rejected this alternative formula .
4 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
5 It combines my favourite neck profile with my favourite pickup configuration and has all its controls in the proper places .
6 In order to deal with increased turnover , LIFFE introduced a computerised trade registration system for all its contracts in the late 1980s .
7 Of course , this Bill will go through all its stages in the normal way .
8 The lizard is then able to rush away to safety while the predator , momentarily confused by the suddenness of what has happened , concentrates all its efforts on the disembodied tail .
9 In 1952 the Studio Club officially handed over its funds , amounting to a grand total of £40 ( quite a good sum in those days ) and all its records to the new Medau Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with Hila Hyam as Treasurer , myself as Secretary and , of course , Molly as President ’ .
10 The commercial propliner world is dominated by the Douglas family , from the ubiquitous Dc-3 and all its variants to the DC-4 , DC-6 and DC-7 .
11 There is no doubt that Marlborough , Massachusetts-based Sequoia Systems Inc has all its marbles in the right place when it comes to designing and building fault-tolerant Unix systems — it would n't be an important partner of Hewlett-Packard Co if that were n't the case , but it still needs to get its act together on the marketing and finance side .
12 In 1624 the Company , fantastically charged with depopulating England by encouraging emigration to America , finally had to acknowledge the loss of its Charter and hand over all its papers to the Privy Council .
13 As many as possible would cluster at that end , and the stalls would thin out quickly as one went northwards away from the abbey towards the open country , with all its dangers for the peaceful trader .
14 The Department of Health and Social Security handed over all its responsibilities for the new tribunals to a newly created statutory authority known as the Office of the President of Social Security Appeal Tribunals ( OPSSAT ) .
15 The attack came only a few hours after the Thai Interior Minister , Gen. Issarapong Noonpakdi , had issued a " last warning " to the Myanman military to withdraw all its troops from the Thai side of the border .
16 The Marxist Socialist Left faction lost all its seats on the federal committee .
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