Example sentences of "[det] who [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He says that there may be a few who go the long way around , but not many .
2 Although other idealistic communities were already being established in America at that period , few who saw the Pantisocratic scheme in its early growth were ever convinced that it could succeed .
3 There were a privileged few who made the Grand Tour to complete their education and seek out Europe 's art treasures , but travelling for pleasure was not an accepted part of life as it is in Western industrialized countries today .
4 I may have been out of the arena for a while , but I daresay there are still some who remember the old gladiator . ’
5 It was an alternative to secure employment for some who fit the popular image of the early retired , but for others it was a refuge from economic insecurity in the labour market .
6 His brother Lewis , a successful alternative comedian ( another who betrays the treasured privacy of his humour ; Scots regard jokes as intimate gifts between friends ) does a routine about the rest of the universe lying outside one 's own front door .
7 In the crunch match with Pyestock , though , it was the latter who gained the crucial victory as Mike Guess ( 3 ) , Ian Guess ( 2 ) and Chris Guess outpointed Buddle ( 2 ) and Fittall .
8 Andrew will be much missed by all the many who had the good fortune to count him as a colleague and a friend .
9 It has to be emphasized that , for those who support the Mobilizing Ideal , these authoritarian features of British governments ' attitudes and behaviour towards the media are not defects but virtues .
10 On the other hand , those who support the efficient market theory ( EMT ) have made substantial cases for the irrelevance of dividends .
11 Those who support the cultural deprivation theory tend to believe that education can play a large part in remedying social inequality , while Marxists believe that education is an essential part of the process of reproducing inequality .
12 So , those who support the Public Service Ideal advocate specific mechanisms designed to ensure that political coverage is wide-ranging , balanced , and impartial , as well as being independent of the state .
13 Those who support the Public Service Ideal could accept the combination of a polyarchic press putting forward a multitude of rival viewpoints and an impartial , balanced broadcasting monopoly .
14 Those who saw the 30 yard putt she holed stone dead at the eighth , or her playing of the 18th , where she hit a glorious seven iron to ten feet before holing for her birdie , could be forgiven for wondering what on earth she was talking about .
15 There was no overt anti-semitism before 1932 , although calls for the purification of race and criticism of moneylending no doubt could be interpreted as such by those who saw the hidden hand of the Jews everywhere .
16 For those who reached the New World , a special station was built at the Castle Garden immigrant centre in New York where they entrained for the West .
17 Even more significant was the finding that , within North Uist , cases of depression were four times more frequent among women who lived in council houses than among those who followed the traditional crofting pattern on the land .
18 Those who advised the hon. Gentleman 's constituent no doubt knew the circumstances of that locality far better than I do .
19 Such revolutionaries also complain that by adhering so closely to the old subject divisions , in the past characteristic more of GCE O levels than of the CSE , those who devised the new examination missed a great opportunity .
20 Under Mikhail Gorbachev , Mr Volsky counted as the leader of its reformist wing , whereas the leader of the conservatives was one of those who staged the attempted coup of 1991 .
21 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
22 The reason for this is to avoid those who appointed the administrative receiver being treated as mortgagees in possession or being held liable for the receiver 's acts which would be the case were the receiver to be treated as their agent .
23 The objective at every stage of lobbying is to provide comments and reactions to those who influence the legislative process .
24 Those who take the former view claim :
25 Ross objects that Moore himself was guilty of confusing a contestable moral judgement in favour of his ideal utilitarian position with an account of the meaning of an ethical expression in much the same way as were those who committed the naturalistic fallacy by offering naturalistic or metaphysical definitions of ‘ good ’ .
26 Those who rejected the conventional view and took up the cause of Czechoslovakian children were largely outside the mainstream of refugee aid .
27 When Dr Haritos-Fatouros began her research 15 years ago into the minds of torturers — particularly those who served the Greek dictatorship of 1967–74 — she assumed they must be sadists .
28 However those who survive the first year perform at least as well as traditional students and in some cases slightly better .
29 Rentokil offers a helping hand for those who make the right choice — it 's even got green fingers on it .
30 The dominant characteristic of political decision-making when compared with market mechanisms is not that those who benefit from public expenditure are those who make the most noise politically .
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