Example sentences of "[det] as [prep] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the second phase assets affected were worth 25,000 million forints ( as at March 23 , 1992 , US$1.00=89.5858 forints ; there had been 1.9 per cent devaluation on March 16 ) , three times as much as in the first phase .
2 So where there is a virtual absence of such evaluations , such as amongst the first generation Caribbeans , there is also no direct influence from the family to children .
3 The overall order of main classes in the second edition remains essentially the same as in the first edition .
4 I it it 's oh no , we do n't want war , we 're all against war , but nobody is prepared to bother actually to go to a meeting or , or pay a small subscription and , and then you w you could of had a very strong United Nations now the same as after the first world war , but it 's the people that did n't do it .
5 Harry held his breath , catching at that as at the first landmark by which he might hope to get his bearings .
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