Example sentences of "[det] was [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Orkney wives were generally much happier outside than inside and this was well illustrated in the figures for taking over the paperwork ( 7% ) and those for attending sick stock ( 32% ) .
2 This was well illustrated by the refusal of the authorities in Germany to allow GEC to purchase the then nearly bankrupt electrical company AEG following objections from the German trade unions .
3 This was well symbolized by the enthronement of the gospel book at the Council , though more could have been made of it ( de Maio , 1963 , p. 21 ; Bianchi , 1987 , p. 117 ) .
4 This was well correlated with the values obtained from those with BrdUrd labelling in the 10 rats in whom both methods were used ( r=0.72 , p=0.001 ) .
5 This was well known during the last century because the pioneers used it in their flintlock guns .
6 This was badly damaged in the 1908 fire , and the small part which remains is now carefully protected in a glass case at the back of the church .
7 This was also rejected on the ground that the Commission had wide and flexible discretion and was not obliged to put every piece of material to all interested parties .
8 This was also seen by the coronameter , which registers the faint visible light scattered from coronal electrons , using an occulting disk to blank off the string visible emission from the surface of the Sun .
9 A figure not far short of this was also found in the biological parents from whom they had been separated , though not in their adoptive relatives , in whom the incidence was much lower .
10 But as this was also mentioned before the match — only ‘ as good as when you won the title ’ fits to those areas .
11 Murie says that this was also happening under the previous system : ‘ As the new subsidy scheme under the Housing Act 1980 had been operated to increase council rents ( which in 1982–3 accounted for a higher proportion of average earnings than at any time since 1945 ) , so exchequer subsidies have fallen ’ .
12 Masturbation did not become respectable , but there was a new stress on its ability to rob adolescence of real fulfilment , and this was even echoed in the work of sex reformers such as Havelock Ellis and expressed in G. Stanley Hall 's two volumes on adolescence .
13 This was conveniently encapsulated in the first try .
14 It was half-heartedly applied in many districts and this was effectively sanctioned by the obvious lack of government enthusiasm ; it suffered from cumbersome and inexpert administration worsened by a shortage of full-time paid officials ; from reliance on uncertain voluntary funding and , above all , from its central assumption that work could by these means be provided for those in need .
15 Scotland were found sadly lacking in the attacking department , and so it was that this was again highlighted against the English back line .
16 This was generally understood by the media to mean that the hierarchy would not oppose the introduction of divorce in a future united Ireland , indeed that they might be prepared to budge on the issue even now .
17 This was generally done for the EC as a whole , and few attempts were made to estimate the redistribution effects of removing these trade barriers .
18 Whores would sometimes don men 's apparel , leading to Charles I to issue an order forbidding it , because it now made whores more difficult to detect , but this was generally ignored by the soldiery .
19 An official from the Region had a post with a Cycleway sign attached ; this was duly knocked into the ground beside the river for the ‘ photo opportunity ’ and then removed , as we were nowhere near the actual Cycleway route .
20 This was duly installed in the turbine house with an air line running up the hill and was programmed to blow air under the leaves every so often .
21 This was duly reflected in the jade inventory .
22 This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions .
23 This was soon followed by the establishment of the larger veterinary school at Alfort near Paris , thanks to the interest of Bourgelat 's friend Henri-Leonard Jean-Baptiste Bertin ( 1719–1792 ) who was Louis 's comptroller general of finance , and later a minister of state whose portfolio covered agriculture .
24 This was soon followed by the growth of a song-writing industry for music hall and variety theatre .
25 With his main enemy removed , Scapula might have cause for congratulation , but this was soon forgotten in the savage guerrilla-type tactics of the untamed Silures , whom Scapula had unwisely threatened to exterminate .
26 This was particularly linked with the opening up of the Dhu stone mines on Lord Boyne 's estate … on March 23rd 1901 an order under section 10 of the Light Railways Act was granted .
27 This was particularly marked amongst the organized working class .
28 Support for the organisation 's super-priorities of multilingualism and multiculturalism was reiterated and this was particularly reflected in the approval of the setting up of an Asian Language Program — and , equally important , according it the appropriate budgetary priority .
29 This was forcibly underlined by the Soviet failure to exert effective military or political control over Afghanistan despite its geographical contiguity with the USSR .
30 This was uniformly preferred to the Okapi '87 mode selection screen ( similar to Figure 5.1 ) .
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