Example sentences of "[det] was [adj] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were prepared to discover the intention to establish such a legal relationship in facts , to construe a trust where it was clear that this was necessary to validate the testator 's intentions even though he had not realized this requirement himself .
2 Children were employed in field work for this was necessary to supplement the family income and Halling was no exception as the school log books show of children absenting from school in the 19th century to go pea picking and gleaning .
3 Evidently , this was insufficient to resolve the controversy , as witness the account given in 1929 in the Report of the Royal Commission on Police Powers and Procedure ( 1929 ) ( Cmd. 3297 ) , paras .
4 This was a significant exception , but although their higher rate of natural increase and migration into the rising manufacturing districts enlarged the population of earners in the " better-waged " districts absolutely and proportionately , this was insufficient to prevent a fall in the national average real wage .
5 There was some manufacture of salt , both on the east coast and at inland brine springs , but this was insufficient to meet the country 's requirements , and substantial supplies had to be imported .
6 In October the two Kings agreed on a truce until January 1187 but whether or not this was supposed to include the war in Toulouse is not clear .
7 This was likely to produce an income of £16 million on the deposits advanced by customers .
8 This was sufficient to determine the issue , but the court went on to say , at pp. 151–152 :
9 India reached 31 without loss by the close , both Srikkanth and Sidhu making 13 , but the latter was lucky to survive a chance to Taylor at first slip off the first ball he faced .
10 He 'd fit the electrodes to my fingers , a band around my chest and a blood-pressure gauge to my left arm and then we 'd go at it , heat full up , windows closed , sweating like pigs because that was supposed to make the polygraph more accurate .
11 Damien Cronin made his one telling burst of the match … and that was enough to open the way for Ronnie Eriksson to score …
12 But that was enough to show the importance of the area as a Marine Nature Reserve .
13 That was sufficient to reverse the market 's early 16.5 drop to leave the FTSE 1.4 off at 3037.2 .
14 Neither was able to raise a team .
15 It was agreed that Turkey 's April 1987 application for membership should be the subject of ministerial discussions , together with prospective Greek membership ( Greece having relaxed in January its former insistence on a non-nuclear defence posture ) , but neither was likely to become a member before 1992 .
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