Example sentences of "[det] is [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although responders may be biased towards independent , articulate individuals in employment , unemployed people may have had more time to reply , and this is supported by a higher response rate among women , who had a lower employment rate .
2 This is bordered by a continental slope which inclines at an angle of around 3–6° towards the ocean basin and which is separated from it by a continental rise ( Fig. 2.5 ) .
3 This is followed by a lavish one hundred pages of black and white photographs , all based on the set of bronzes owned by the Musée d'Orsay .
4 This is followed by a slower phase of subsidence promoted by cooling of this mantle material as heat is conducted up to the surface .
5 This is followed by a 12-minute session on the heavy bag and Davies gets his own back , hammering Eubank 's abdominal muscles with a medicine ball before the session finishes with 20 minutes skipping .
6 This is followed by a triumphant comeback by the acclaimed animator of the seventies , Caroline Leaf , in her work ‘ Two Sisters ’ ( 1991 ) .
7 This is followed by a fine performance of the symphony itself , not electrifying , but made satisfying by an unusually full recording made in the New York Manhattan Center in 1961 .
8 This is followed by a brief introduction and two short chapters on the theory and practice of homoeopathy , the potency to use and what dose to give .
9 This is followed by a brief and selective representation of the forms of racism identified within the education system .
10 This is followed by a brief outline of the continental legal system to which critics have turned for a solution to our problems .
11 This is followed by a decreasing rate of creep with a progressively increasing amount of stress being carried by E 2 until eventually none is carried by η 2 and E 2 is fully extended — diagram ( iii ) .
12 This is followed by a seven week course at the Royal Naval Cookery School at Aldershot .
13 Six months are spent studying at an Institut Universitaire de Technologie specializing in Marketing , Management/Personnel or Computing , and this is followed by a 3-month integrated work placement .
14 On the undulating ridge there is a sharp descent — through Wyche Cutting — but this is followed by a fair climb to Herefordshire Beacon .
15 This is followed by an extensive section on the optimisation of column variables , although it does lack details of the increasingly useful column temperature control technique .
16 This is followed by an audio-visual presentation ; then comes the traditional moh lam drama .
17 This is followed by an initial request for project authorization which will need to describe the project briefly , indicate approximate costs and likely benefits and contain an estimate of the cost of a feasibility study and its timing .
18 There is therefore no point in providing residential care unless this is followed by an intensive discharge rehabilitation programme .
19 Note that at the back of the head an allowance of approx. ½in has been left , and this is bevelled with a smoothing plane so that when viewed from above the head will lie at an angle to the neck .
20 Therefore , where the vendor and purchaser are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third company and the vendor sells assets to the purchaser at an under value , it is suggested that to the extent the value conferred on the purchaser comes out of the vendor 's capital as opposed to distributable profits , then this is treated as an unlawful return of capital by the vendor to the third party holding company .
21 Yes , this is done as a last resort .
22 This is done with a formal bow .
23 We have already seen how this is done on a byte-oriented computer .
24 This is done by a small modification to the routine described earlier in this chapter .
25 This is done by a quick and simple blood test .
26 This is done by a quick and simple blood test .
27 In practice most buyers are prepared to have their names used for publicity purposes provided that this is done in a controlled manner and with their prior consent .
28 Usually this is done in a special generator and the smoke is then injected into the flow , often in a purpose-built smoke tunnel .
29 They can be allocated to other projects in the inactive periods provided that this is done in a proper manner .
30 This is seen as a better guide to a school 's and pupils ' performance , particularly where there is a wide difference in social and ethnic backgrounds .
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