Example sentences of "[det] and [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quigley ( 1979 ) confirms this and uses it as a basis for examining alternative language environments .
2 In the back of one of my homemade guitars I used a bit of thin foam , rolled up tight , to hold a battery in place ; then I had a brainwave to use a piece of this and lay it across the springs , between them and the rear plate .
3 ( It would be advisable to make a copy of this and keep it in the ‘ Record of Achievement ’ as insurance against loss of the original . )
4 I told him this and asked him for a prescription for a warm , dry home .
5 If you wish , you can copy this and use it as an ongoing walking record after the 30 days .
6 She blames her mother for this and sees it as a sign of inferiority , thus experiencing penis envy and transfers her affections to her father as he has the penis she wants .
7 Hopefully the next England manager will realise this and consign him to the scrap-heap as Taylor should have done years ago .
8 She folded the silver square of wrapping paper in half and made it into a little boat .
9 He gathered six double sheets from the drenched berths , folded them in half and left them by the companionway .
10 tearing tin cans in half and lobbing them into the
11 I remembered the time Andy and I had let down all the wheels of his dad 's car , folding matches in half and sticking them into the tyre valves .
12 Cut this waste in half and cramp it to the opposite corner of the block , and drill a 1–1/4in diameter hole where the pieces meet .
13 All you need to do is drill a hole into the back of the engine to take a piece of thin wire , then fold the banner in half and glue it to the wire with PVA glue .
14 He collected some and showed them to a friend who worked in the Geology Department of the Royal Museum , Chambers Street in Edinburgh .
15 She would put all the light clothes into one bag and all the dark into another and take them to the launderette in Pevsner Road .
16 Only with an effort did those who had been to all the other parties locate one another and separate themselves from the mob .
17 In the end George ate all of his , but Libby faithfully saved a few and wrapped them in a paper bag .
18 erm so you know but you may find if you give , print off a few and give them to a few people over the weekend
19 just get the plate and er like stick it over with a bit of er filler or something like that and stick it over the top !
20 The parson there , the chapel parson , he went there ; and it just lifted the roof off the chapel like that and killed him in the pulpit , blew in the wall .
21 They quickly saw that and had me in the theatre the next day .
22 And er getting back to that and cleaning it with a real good clean every single week .
23 ‘ There , take that and read it over the week-end .
24 She had done better than that and taken it to a jeweller to be plated and put into a mount so it could hang on her chain .
25 Bureaux are polled annually for suggestions for rewriting parts of the system and the IPG weights these and builds them into the plans .
26 Use a trowel to scoop up some of these and put them in a plastic bag .
27 Cut these and put them in a nice vase .
28 deeds For such orders , the court drafts these and sends them with a notice of appointment before the district judge to all parties not less than seven days before the appointment ( Ord 22 , r 7(1) — ( 5 ) ; otherwise the court simply prepares the orders and sends them out .
29 The council wants to renew these and extend them to the whole of those districts and also bring in Pimlico and Westbourne .
30 Many more were inspired , while the great majority of Soviet disciples never went there at all and saw it through the propaganda of the Friends of the Soviet Union or the Daily worker .
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