Example sentences of "[det] may have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , that may have been the right impression , and I do n't want to force you to say more than you want to , or really anything , but I 'd like to know if you still want to write to me , possibly just about books , or if you wanted to —
2 And certainly n the case of Holland 's subsequent defeat by Switzerland , that may have been the crucial factor .
3 This may have been the simple truth ; it may , alternatively , have been an instance of the use of delay by an intelligent but reluctant pleader .
4 And yet insiders think this may have been the last match of its kind , the end of an era .
5 In Vincent 's case , this may have been the very reaction he wanted .
6 One reason for this may have been the conventional wisdom that secularisation had made the subject well nigh irrelevant , another reason may have been that there are few areas in which the methodological problems are as acute as they are in the investigation of people 's beliefs and/or the assessment of the effect that these have upon the rest of society .
7 Now of course at this point , with many singers , one would have to change key , go into the minor , and report that , though this may have been the vocal prime , interpretative maturity still lay in the future , and that for artistic satisfaction one would have to turn to the well-known recordings of later years .
8 This may have been the same object as that lent by Gaston I to Clement V. The pope agreed to keep the talisman safely and to excommuni-cate anyone else who attempted to use it .
9 Our modern parental investment individualistic view would n't allow you to make that error , instead you 'd say you know you 've got ta look at the costs and benefits of the mother too and perhaps there are benefits to mothers in actively testing as it were their offspring , erm rather than just passively er accepting that they 're gon na have to be mothers and gon na have to get on with it and again you see , er I would er and this may have been the big mistake I made last year , er but again I stand by my er view on this and it 's a perfectly defensible one , erm again I think those who say that abortion is unnatural and kind of erm offends against er you know nature , are wrong .
10 Such may have been the common view , but it was not shared by the Plantagenets themselves .
11 One of these may have been the Ukrainian Division though it was not mentioned in the definition order .
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