Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And four coming to light argues forty or more in the dark , most likely for good . ’
2 Recently such movements have involved up to 960 birds in one spring , and movements of 100 or more in a day are almost annual events ; 488 flying east off Beachy Head on 19 April 1976 is the largest single movement noted so far .
3 The Council agreed to postpone the next full visit from the summer of 1979 until later in the year , and to release a press statement that had been agreed by the visiting party with the Polytechnic and the Teesside Education Authority .
4 This was introduced by Heseltine in the Department of Environment in 1980 and later in the Ministry of Defence .
5 The more moderate , responsible men and women began to leave in ones and twos and then in a landslide .
6 459 , 467 and also in the speech of Lord Salmon in Reg. v. Humphrys [ 1977 ] A.C. 1 , 46 :
7 Can you do one of me ? ’ , until I 'd completed twenty five or so in the space of about two months .
8 So important is this factor in shaping the evolution of man that Freud , in a number of places in his works , 9 but principally in a footnote to Civilization and its Discontents , comments at length on the way in which the adoption of an erect posture in man produced what he termed an ‘ organic repression ’ which paved the way for civilization .
9 There seems to have been a windmill for practically every village and sometimes two or more in the market towns .
10 Derwent is expected to make trading profits of £2 million or so in the year to March .
11 Erm , could I ask er , a little about er , Longman and er , and er , Penguin in nineteen ninety two and particularly in the case of Longman , is the momentum of profits improvement in the second half carrying , carrying through into nineteen ninety two ?
12 I am particularly er pleased to see the I T provisions at three two and elsewhere in the report the training for the business plan has been given to the staff .
13 The girl claimed she was raped in her bedroom during Christmas 1990 and again in the man 's home on New Year 's Day 1991 while her brother slept only feet away .
14 But there is the mar there is considerable potential for flexibility in the policy and that would be determined my local planning authorities in the light of P P G seven but also in the light of er local circumstances and conditions which is quite right and proper .
15 Sterling issues expanded dramatically in the 1980s but increasingly in the form of eurosterling bonds and Table 3.8 shows the important share that such bonds now have in the total sterling bond market .
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