Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A failed test means no progress that round , and a test failed by 30 or more means the character has slipped right back to the bottom of the stairs — anyone beneath him must make another I test at -20 to avoid being carried back down as well .
2 He was the John Player Formula Two champion in 1972 and then joined the BRM Formula One team the following season as the number three driver to Jean-Pierre Beltoise ( Fra ) and Clay Regazzoni ( Swi ) .
3 Therefore SO 2 has the potential to reduce the transmission of the solar flux , reducing the photolysis rates of key species such as O 2 and hence reducing the rate of ozone production .
4 First raise interest rates to r 2 and then manipulate the money supply to reduce it to Q 2 .
5 Troops loyal to President Gnassingbe Eyadema again disrupted the transition period [ see also p. 39041 ] when a 100-strong force occupied the National Assembly building on Oct. 22 and successfully demanded the unfreezing of the assets of the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , formerly the sole legal party , led by Eyadema , which had been dissolved in August 1991 [ see p. 38379 ] .
6 President Ramaswamy Venkataraman appointed Justice Madhukar Hiralal Kania as Chief Justice to replace Kamal Narain Singh , who retired on Dec. 12 after briefly assuming the post on Nov. 24 .
7 In the event , however , it was a glossy book from the Town Planning Ministry in 1986 that really took the message to the public — and that message was so remarkable that it deserves examination in some detail .
8 Modern methods have made these kilns redundant , and the many hundreds that once formed the Potteries ' smoky skyline have nearly all disappeared .
9 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
10 This is in fact a copy of the one stolen by the Swedes in 1648 and now gracing the gardens at Drottningholm Castle .
11 A Dalton double take THE North-East 's first women MP was Ruth Dalton , elected in Bishop Auckland in 1929 but only to keep the seat warm for her old feller .
12 KPMG warrants and undertakes that it has full power and authority under the Financial Services Act 1986 and otherwise to make the Offer on behalf of Client .
13 The procedure for dealing with such requests is set out in R.S.C. , Ord. 70 and often involves the Treasury Solicitor making application to the court under the Act of 1975 : see Ord. 70 , r. 3 .
14 The East Lothian man took the third set 7-1 , came from 1-4 down to take the next 7-4 and then opened the decider with three singles .
15 The most widely acclaimed of these has been John Rawls 's A Theory of Justice , which was published in 1971 and rapidly assumed the status of a contemporary classic .
16 ‘ At Cadwell I was flying past the other 600s and even had the legs on some of the 750s .
17 For the third day running , 200,000 or more blocked the centre of Prague , cheering Mr Dubcek 's call on the hardline leadership to quit .
18 For the third day running , 200,000 or more blocked the centre of Prague , cheering Mr Dubcek 's call on the hardline leadership to quit .
19 He batted at the pivotal position of number three and fully justified the captain 's faith in him .
20 This was originally erected in the reign of Numerian in AD 283–4 and apparently includes the reference to a R(es) P(ublica) C(ivitatis) , most probably D(obunnorum) ( of the Dobunni ) , though the latter reading and attribution have produced several fertile alternatives .
21 Its principal avowed aim was to give legislative form to the decision , contrary to the recommendation of the Law Commission , 46 and thereby allow the parties in these ‘ tragic cases ’ the dignity of a decree of nullity so that , if thought fit , provision for ancillary relief could be made by the court , and the unsavoury examination of their sexuality , rendered necessary if the only recourse were a declaration of status , could be avoided .
22 John Taylor , Curator in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum and Nicholas Reeves , formerly at the B.M. and now Honorary Curator of the present Earl of Carnarvon 's Egyptian collection at Highclere Castle , have brought together objects and documents that trace Howard Carter 's Egyptian career up to 1922 and then follow the archaeologist into his retirement as consultant and dealer and finally death in 1939 .
23 The Clacton side of Jim Dove , Gary Ridgeon , Daniel Burrell and Emma Cartwright beat Braintree B 6–3 and thus take the Division Three title .
24 The effective use of this resource is the main substance of part II and therefore constitutes the bulk of the advice .
25 The approach to finding exact solutions that has been taken so far has involved initially solving the field equations in the interaction region IV and then investigating the conditions under which these solutions can be considered as the result of collisions of plane waves .
26 Peter Yeo , accustomed to leading from the front , had arrived at seven-thirty and personally made the coffee and brought in croissants , so that the reassuring presence of food greeted the other three partners .
27 The US President received him in 1978 and so did the Queen — but the purges went on .
28 But alas , most seemed to have been born with only one or just mislaid the other on the way .
29 For details of special weekend offers available in Nottinghamshire send today for your free brochure by telephoning ( 0602 ) 824215 or simply return the order form on page 34 of this guide .
30 By that stage four years of campaigning had amassed enormous crown debts , put the English nation under strains unknown since the 1290s and dangerously divided the king and his ministers .
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