Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 9 the Mozambique legislature approved a number of amendments to the Constitution which effectively incorporated the terms of Protocol Number 3 signed between the government and Renamo on March 12 and covering arrangements for the future electoral system [ see p. 38804 ] .
2 In forming this view the Directors have reviewed the Group 's budget for 1993 and outline projections for the subsequent two years , including capital expenditure plans and cash flow forecasts .
3 Eureka was launched in 1985 and included companies from the 12 EC countries as well as from Austria , Finland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland and Turkey [ see pp. 33935-36 ; 35215-16 ] .
4 Fighting had begun when the Dnestr National Guard , said to number 1,000 , attacked Moldovan police headquarters on March 1-2 and blockaded roads to the town of Dubossary .
5 Then you turned thirty , started to nod off at ten-thirty and had attacks of the Blue Spots when you ran up a flight of stairs .
6 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
7 However , by careful reading of the footnote , a manuscript was found in the Harleian Collection of the British Library which dated from 1599 and gave details of the armorial panels which at that date existed .
8 He came home from the July meeting at Newmarket in 1904 and set men on the following week .
9 The next doors are by Giannino Castiglioni , completed in 1950 and showing scenes from the life of Sant' Ambrogio , including his miraculous appearance at the battle of Parabiago in 1330 .
10 The former Lloyd 's underwriter has lived in America since 1981 but faces charges over the affair if he ever returns to Britain .
11 He died at the age of eighty-one while playing billiards in the United Services Club .
12 ‘ Now that it has been shown that it adds to the greenhouse effect we will start a programme to further reduce the use of SF 6 and to study replacements in the foundries , said Sven Plahte of Hydro 's magnesium division .
13 The Muslim Youth Movement was formed in Durban in 1970 and has links with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Jameat el Islami i n Pakistan .
14 ‘ I 'll give the missus one and give thanks at the same time , how 's that ?
15 Seventeen Afar deputies walked out of the Chamber of Deputies on Dec. 23 and demanded talks between the government and the armed opposition .
16 Central 's predecessor , ATV , had been on the air since 1956 and brought programmes like The Muppet Show , Edward the Seventh and the Golden Shot to our screens .
17 McVitie 's , UB 's European biscuit business , increased sales by 5 per cent to £831 million and operating profits by the same percentage to £111.8 million .
18 All peers of Great Britain have retained entitlement to sit since the peerage was instituted in 1707 as have peers of the United Kingdom since 1801 .
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