Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Twelve of the 30 units making up the new HND in Social Care .
2 Drs Anthony and Maggie Barker , average age 70 years , spent 30 years building up a medical service in rural South Africa .
3 Such a compelling clash would also put the gloss on the remarkable atmosphere which was generated during Saturday 's Royal Bank international with Wales , Scotland 's 20-0 victory setting up the tantalising finale to the season .
4 After six years working up a polished stage show and building a loyal fan base , she 's all too aware of the scene 's limitations .
5 ‘ It is unfair to ask a graduate student to spend 10 years working out a small correction , ’ replied James Stirling , a theorist from the University of Durham .
6 At level II , candidates will take four mandatory core skills modules , plus three modules making up a new National Certificate Cluster in design .
7 THE Bank 's Cashline network has been named the busiest in Britain with each of the 770 machines paying out an average £4.5 million a year .
8 That the 25 groups making up the 15 000 hunter-gatherers of the Philippine Negritos practise minor desultory cultivation and intensive trading with non-Negrito agriculturists is not recent as has often been argued , for eighteenth-century reports indicate trade of forest products for rice , tobacco , metal tools , beads and pots , as well as shifting cultivation by the 1740s at the latest .
9 I pulled the door shut and almost ran to the front door and into Langdon Crescent garden , where I stood for five minutes breathing in the fresh air .
10 A friend of mine in her late thirties has spent the last five years building up a successful business .
11 Wherever Jews were to be found — whether in the Holy Land or in the far-flung Diaspora — his name had become a household word as one of the select band of zealots whose spirit had never relinquished the hope of one day setting up a Jewish state in Palestine .
12 It is one thing climbing up a steep and slippery slope with no weight on your back , and altogether a different thing climbing up with 40kg of camera equipment .
13 The sight of one bee carrying out a struggling sister or even the queen should convince us that behaviour can seem intelligent in its normal context without any need for the intellectual participation of the actors .
14 The two pictures hanging on the wooden beam in the left of the photograph perhaps show a more popular way of displaying miniatures , which is nonetheless very attractive .
15 I kept seeing these double helices like two snakes winding up an invisible tree , only smaller .
16 The ambulance arriving at the gates of the hospital , two men heaving back the great iron gates .
17 One of the two batallions making up the Scots Guards is disbanded next month .
18 Graves has also reaped the benefit of design for Disney : two hotel commissions in Florida , the company headquarters in Burbank ( noted for its over-scale plaster images of the seven dwarfs propping up the temple-like roof pediment ) as well as the blockbuster at Euro Disney .
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