Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Because you can see if the client 's up to the age of forty , he gets a higher erm , a reduced allocation , but if he 's seventy , he gets actually forty percent allocated in the first year , and he gets er , a full allocation from then on .
2 Since the bombing raids began over Iraq , Britons have flocked to join the army ( inquiries in London have quintupled ) ; to give blood ( in Plymouth alone , more than 1,600 people volunteered in the first few days , and 110,000 followed suit across the country ) ; and to say their prayers ( Winchester Cathedral reported that the congregation for Matins last Sunday was up by a half on the usual number ) .
3 One hundred and eighteen for three , which means thirty-nine runs added in the first hour today and it 's Tufnell coming up now to bowl , DaSilva , up he comes , bowls this one , DaSilva pushes forward and it just goes under the bat and fielded there by the wicketkeeper , no run .
4 Over 16,000 people applied in the first two months alone .
5 Celtic had three players booked in the first 20 minutes to illustrate just how fired up they were .
6 It may include three courses taken at the first year level only , or a second double or less frequently a second treble , ie
7 Fifty-two points conceded in the First Test , 54 in the second .
8 It was a most impressive performance by the 25-year-old Lahore left-hander in only his third Test appearance , all his 205 runs made on the first day before an understandable concentration lapse .
9 To determine whether proliferative patterns in flat rectal mucosal samples can predict the recurrence of adenomatous colorectal polyps , after polypectomy , rectal mucosal specimens removed from the lesions obtained at endoscopy from 55 patients diagnosed for the first time as having adenomatous colorectal polyps .
10 Figures produced by the Council for Mortgage Lenders suggest that of the 36,610 properties repossessed in the first half of this year 45 per cent were voluntary , in the sense that they did not involve a court order .
11 The second prevalence survey employed eight indicator agencies : six of the ten agencies used in the first survey ( Home Office , police , probation service , Detoxification Unit , Drugs Council , and Education Department ) and two additional agencies , the Wirral Committee on Solvent Abuse , and the Society for Biophysical Medicine .
12 The BA pass degree consists of thirteen classes ( or their equivalent ) taken over three years — five classes taken in the first year and usually four in each of the following two years .
13 Aims were defined , certain statutory regulations laid down and five officers elected for the first three-year term .
14 Earl Russell succeeded Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister in 1846 , and well before then Queen Victoria had commenced having her children which numbered four boys and five girls born during the first seventeen years of her marriage .
15 Communist Party members accounted for 348 of the 368 deputies elected in the first round to the new 500-member Uzbek Supreme Soviet .
16 As the two hellraisers met for the first time for the benefit of the world 's press , they exchanged jokes .
17 The action belonged exclusively to the second half with two goals packed into the first 100 seconds of the period .
18 Walking into the ISDN User Show at Wembley , North London the other day , the first four stands belonged to communications magazines : cynics might see this as evidence that the technology is still at the hype and talk stage , but most exhibitors seemed pleased by the degree to which visitors ' questions had progressed past the ‘ what is ISDN anyway ’ stage to the ‘ how much does this box cost ’ phase ; some 900 visitors attended on the first day , the second seemed rather busier and at some of the conference sessions , notably British Telecommunications Plc 's ‘ where are we now ’ presentation , it was standing room only …
19 The first-year course is designed to take students from scratch to a level at which they can cope with simple Sanskrit texts ( the two texts studied in the first year are the Pancatantra , an ancient collection of humorous fables , and the Bhagavad Gita , the most revered of Hindu religious texts ) .
20 His two pamphlets written during the First World War ( Durkheim , 1915a , 1915b ) show a total disregard — astonishing in a sociologist — for the social causes of the war ; the first provides a brief diplomatic history of the events leading up to the war , intended to demonstrate German ‘ guilt ’ , while the second naively analyses , during the postwar period , in nationalist movements and the formation of nation states is easily understandable , since it coincided in the first place with an upsurge of nationalism directed specifically against the economic and political dominance of the Western capitalist countries — where the great majority of sociologists live and work — which created an entirely new situation and new problems for those countries .
21 Four agencies employed in the first survey were excluded for various reasons .
22 In fact , once you take into account all the set-up costs of the two endowments needed for the first method , having a joint policy becomes quite competitive , as well as offering extra peace of mind .
23 It is clear that there was a steady expansion of the words used for trusts , from the basic four expressions used in the first century to the ten or so in use by the end of the third century .
24 It is true , however , that taken as a whole , the 1947 Act created for the first time a comprehensive framework for planning and thereby laid the groundwork for a permanent and highly significant change in the public attitude to private property and its use and development .
25 8 Sunday settled this book and wrote letter — 24 plates done with the first ground in 32 days — I think when the days get long — one of these plates may be done in a day …
26 The 1988 survey included for the first time results from saliva tests from half the children surveyed ; this double check may have encouraged them to be more honest about their smoking habits .
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