Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Over 25% of the 109 projects approved by the Central Committee for implementation in 1992 involve training of some kind .
2 Joseph Beran ( right ) , former Archbishop of Prague , was one of the eight prisoners featured in the original Observer article .
3 Eight clubs tied to an electronic stadium advertising deal stymied Bass and the rump of 14 are concerned at the influence of an elite eight .
4 Er there are no houses demolished with the blue route , er there are eight houses demolished with the purple route , six with the orange route , six with the red route , and two with the pink route .
5 One nil to Leicester City eleven minutes gone in the second half .
6 Urinary APGPR excretion ( Fig 3A ) in the normal group increased to a peak mean value at 82.5 minutes after the start of the meal and was significantly increased at 7.5 , 67.5 , and 82.5 minutes compared with the fasted values .
7 Eight states agreed on a unified command of general-purpose armed forces for a transitional period of two years .
8 His brother , Scott , who was among the eight Scots named in the 30-strong squad , reckoned that Gavin 's previous experience of playing in New Zealand probably swayed the decision in the full-back 's favour .
9 These connect with eight semi-roundels bordered by an octagonal band .
10 The scientists measured concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 , the two most important ozone destroyers , at locations in both the northern and southern hemispheres and found that the growth rate for CFC-11 concentrations dropped from an annual average of 11 parts per trillion from 1985-88 to 3 parts per trillion in 1993 .
11 The year has seen another 12 projects added to the active list bringing the total considered to 60 since TRANSAID was launched in early 1988 .
12 On April 30 the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministers held talks in Seoul at which it was agreed to relax restrictions currently applied to the 680,000 Koreans resident in Japan , many of whom were descendants of the 2,500,000 Koreans transported by the Japanese colonial administration for use as forced labour .
13 The median serum insulin concentration increased and median serum IGFBP-1 concentration decreased in the steroid treated group but not in the elemental diet group .
14 Mr Owen-Jones said it had been a particularly difficult year in Britain where sales had fallen 12 p.c. compared with a worldwide increase of 10 p.c .
15 In the 12 periods analysed in the published articles , the portfolio ( theoretical or actual ) has done better than the UK stock market on nine occasions and worse on three occasions .
16 Finally , Wirksworth Quarry has another new addition from the Suzi Sammutt/Geoff Hornby team — The Evolution of Micadia E1 5b is the slim pillar 30 feet left of the Crinoid Cruise .
17 The 1972 Act provided for the principal councils ( i.e. the county councils and district councils ) to have a number of major functions .
18 The Royal Green Jacket soldier was drowned when a helicopter carrying 30 troops ditched into the freezing South Atlantic waters .
19 In May 1984 and in March 1985 Sihanouk called for a neutralised Kampuchea with an international peacekeeping force guaranteed by the superpowers , ASEAN , Vietnam or Australia/New Zealand .
20 This happened no fewer than four times between 1974 and 1977 until , finally , at the end of 1977 , the Secretary of State announced that instead of the 75,000 to 85,000 places indicated in the 1972 White Paper , the target would be 45,000 .
21 More than 700 applicants responded to a recent marketing director job ad , underlining the extent to which the recession has hit top management .
22 Because you can see if the client 's up to the age of forty , he gets a higher erm , a reduced allocation , but if he 's seventy , he gets actually forty percent allocated in the first year , and he gets er , a full allocation from then on .
23 ‘ The operation or termination of the account of a member borrowing on a class 1 or class 2 advance and the grant or refusal to grant a borrowing member of that description other or further class 1 , or as the case may be , class 2 advances secured on the same or different land or other facilities normally available to borrowing members of his description .
24 The party ran only 148 candidates , of whom 136 were elected , a larger proportion than in recent elections , but far short of the 257 seats required for an overall majority in the 512-member House of Representatives .
25 The 49 sucklers sold to a top price of £1,460 and £1,300 for pedigree Charolais cows and bull calves at foot presented by P McAllister , Glenarm .
26 Auditing Practices Board chairman Bill Morrison was among 12 accountants recognised in the New Year Honours list .
27 8oz ( 200g ) tinned tomatoes and 4 oz ( 100g ) baked beans on 1 oz ( 25g ) wholemeal toast OR 2 bananas mashed with a 5 oz ( 125g ) raspberry diet yogurt
28 The consultation document contained no firm proposals on the franchising system although , given that 137 out of 167 pages referred to the present BR profit centres , it is reasonable to infer that the Government 's preferred set up would be based on profit centre related franchises .
29 The Grange Hotel in Clifton , York , has won a top accolade , after being chosen out of a national survey as one of the 30 establishments included in the British Town House Hotel Collection .
30 The top two , consisting of 570 outlets targeted towards ABC1s , will carry an expanded range of 225 to 300 wines chosen by the new buying team of Marcia Waters and Mark Brunel-Cohen .
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