Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Overall expenditure was contained by minimal increases in other areas and , in defence , by a 2.5 per cent expenditure cut to DM50,800 million [ for June 30 decision to withdraw from the European Fighter Aircraft project see p. 38980 ] .
2 Capt. Laurent Sedogo , the then Minister of Peasant Co-operatives , and Lt. Francois Etienne Ouedraogo , a member of the Popular Front 's executive committee , were among six officers dismissed from the armed forces on May 23 , 1990 , to " reinforce Army discipline " .
3 452,000 people emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1990 , mostly to Israel and West Germany — double the number emigrating in 1989 .
4 Only 247 individuals appeared in both returns ; the local parish register records the burial of 61 people in the intervening period , but another 226 individuals disappeared from the local scene .
5 Tallis-Holly watched and soon three riders passed from the human world , an old man , a young man , a woman with a face like stone .
6 The aircraft took-off at 1537 hours piloted from the left hand seat ; on becoming airborne , at a position a little over halfway down the runway , the crew saw a flock of birds ahead flying just above the ground .
7 It will display over 600 objects dating from the fifth century to the present and is funded to the tune of £430,000 by the Korean Samsung corporation with a further £25,000 from the government-funded Business Sponsorship Incentive Scheme .
8 If , however , continuous variation is required , this preset can be omitted from the board and three wires taken from the relevant board points up to a conventional 1k rotary potentiometer mounted on a front panel , along with any metering .
9 George made two or three telephone calls from the nearest box , handed over the minute inspection of Orlando Benyon 's shed to the appropriate people , made contact with the police pathologist and his own chief at C.I.D .
10 Three children survived from the first marriage , John , Richard , and Alice , who married Thomas Smith [ q.v. ] , the customs official , and one daughter from the third , Elizabeth , who married Sir William Morgan of Monmouthshire .
11 There were three doors opening from the little hall .
12 More than 120 paintings dating from the fifteenth to the twentieth century have been loaned from The State Museum of Ukrainian Art , Kiev , the majority nineteenth-century portraits and genre scenes but also some fine icons such as ‘ The Miracle of Saint George ’ , second half of the fifteenth century , from the Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross , Zvyzhen ( Galicia ) , and a group of avant-garde works from the private collection of the Kiev collector Ihor Dyehenko .
13 Sites acquired included Balkwell Farm ( 130 acres acquired from the copyholder , with the Duke of Northumberland 's interest as Lord of the Manor bought out ) , the Meadowell Farm ( 135 acres bought from the Ducal estate in the 1930s ) and land at Hunt Hill and Cullercoats .
14 In the lower panels , the 32 P-end-labelled fragments used were 250 bp Xba I- Pvu II fragments isolated from the p13-152 derivatives as indicated above each panel .
15 On Oct. 5 UNITA withdrew from the Angolan Armed Forces ( FAA ) , the new national army formed in September [ ibid. ] , leading to accusations from the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen that UNITA was violating the 1991 peace accord with the government [ see p. 38180 ] .
16 Other lots include a seventeenth-century Florentine bronze pacing stallion from the workshops of Antonio Susini ( est. £40,000–60,000 ; $61,200–92,000 ) , and a collection of about seventy ivories dating from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries , comprising French gothic reliefs , South German concentric turned goblets , several statuettes and a number of tankards .
17 These did not , however , include the 100,000 residents evacuated from the 30 kilometre zone around the reactor soon after the accident .
18 It 's been a gloomy time in gloucestershire for industry in general , with more than a thousand jobs dissapearing from the Dowty group , the counties largest engineering employers , over the past twelve months .
19 The two singles wins for Berkshire left the reigning champions in an irretrievable position and the home side added a dash more salt to their opponents ' wounds as they clinched a full eight victory points from the remaining doubles victory .
20 : Table 3.8 shows the results for the first ten words selected from the relative frequency distribution list .
21 The subjects were 36 drivers taken from the Applied Psychology Unit 's subject panel , 18 male , 18 female .
22 East Smithfield , Nightingale Lane , Burr Street , St Catherine 's Way ; like London 's wall they hemmed in the huge dock area that had seen 11,000 people moved from the crowded houses and thieve 's kitchens , and vast amounts of earth shifted to create new hills and rises in Chelsea and Pimlico .
23 3 members drawn from the Regional Council or from the Education Committee ;
24 Sissinghurst is just one of eight furniture ranges from the new Terranova collection .
25 There would be direct investment both inward and outward as different multinationals arrange their operations on a global basis instead of direct investment only in one direction resulting from the overall balance of the economy .
26 Two student detainees who died in the week July 8-14 were said by official sources to have in one case jumped from the third floor and in the other to have died of wounds inflicted during arrest .
27 She had a friend who kept them caseless in huge straw baskets and crunched the loose cases to bits , muttering ‘ Oh , shit ’ as he wandered through to a five-by-eight foot kitchen where nine wires ran from the central lightbulb .
28 The second notable point is the one which , when the remit was published , led to much criticism of it , and which is registered in paragraph 1 of the minority report signed by three of the nine members remaining from the ten who at the outset composed the Committee : Certainly , the terms of reference specified industrial democracy as an extension of the activities of trade unions into the control of enterprises , other than public sector enterprises , by which the members of those unions were employed .
29 The answer is to elicit not intuitions OF meaning , but intuitions ABOUT meaning , which , although they are one step removed from the primary object of interest , can , if properly chosen , be clear and reliable .
30 Thus there are over 40 contributions ranging from the single page to one of 30 as differing aspects of the conference are covered .
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