Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [verb] [pron] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 12 Mandela held his first press conference for the world 's media in Cape Town , and on the following day he returned to his home in Soweto , where he addressed a crowd of over 130,000 at a football stadium .
2 In 471 Euric launched his first onslaught against Clermont .
3 In Example 22 Franck repeats his first sub-phrase ( the first two bars ) by raising its first note by a minor 3rd ; he then repeats the process .
4 Langer , champion here in 1985 , took 12 holes to summon his first birdie .
5 Very little guidance is given to students , who enrol ( with some exceptions ) in the subject of their choice and shift around at will , taking around six years to complete their first degree .
6 This was to Eleanor of Aquitaine and it was celebrated just eight weeks alter her first marriage , to King Louis VII of France , had been annulled .
7 In 1853 Deacon filed his first patent ( for an improved sulphuric acid manufacturing process ) and established an alkali works in Widnes with William Pilkington .
8 If we take the ‘ developing countries ’ as a group , compared with the ‘ more developed countries ’ , infant mortality ( in the first year ) is more than five times as high in the first group as it is in the second ; but during the years from one to four — that is , after weaning — the mortality rate in the developing countries is forty times as high as elsewhere : forty deaths for every thousand children surviving their first year , compared with one per thousand in the more developed areas ( Pate , 1965 ) .
9 In 1922 Hannington received his first term of a month 's imprisonment for uttering seditious words .
10 In June 1978 Angela took her first stand at the prestigious Arts and Antiques Fair at Olympia in London .
11 In 1875 Tosti made his first visit to London , and after this returned every year to the city , where he became very popular in fashionable circles .
12 Motherwell took 27 minutes to create their first chance when Chris McCart carved out an opening for Joe McLeod , but the striker hesitated long enough to allow Brian Irvine to block the effort .
13 That it took Hibs 37 minutes to record their first shot at Ally Maxwell vouches for the minuscule depth of their ambition and explains why they were , in the end , beaten hollow .
14 One girl remembers her first impression of her foster father : ‘ He had Sephardi eyes , like my mother .
15 Brahms took about fifteen years to complete his First Symphony , and when it was first performed in 1876 , he was 43 — an extraordinary late symphonic debut for a composer who had been publicly proclaimed as a genius by Schumann when he was 18 , and who had gone on to justify public expectations with such works as the ‘ German Requiem ’ , which had given him financial security for life .
16 ‘ Of course , I want to win but remember it took Nigel Mansell five years to get his first victory .
17 Every year , 80,000 people suffer their first heart attack .
18 It took them five overs to score their first run and they were only saved from disaster by captain Allan Lamb .
19 In 1618 James made his first move in Somerset .
20 DEWI Morris is one of 14 Lions playing their first match of the New Zealand tour , against North Harbour in Auckland tomorrow , un
21 Shop prices in Russia and the Ukraine have risen sharply as the two countries take their first steps to a market economy by removing state controls .
22 Shop prices in Russia and the Ukraine have risen sharply as the two countries take their first steps to a market economy by removing state controls .
23 Capitol Plastics of Bowling Green , Ohio , reckons that it took it three years , $200,000 of investment and meetings wit several hundred people to win its first order ( worth a little over $200 ) from Honda 's plant in Marysville , Ohio .
24 The invitation was accepted , though on docking at Kingston , the two friends spent their first month at Dudley Lodge , Half Way Tree , just outside Kingston .
25 Police were anxious to avoid the ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago .
26 Also in 1875 Townsend made his first tour to the Continent ; throughout his life he made regular visits to Europe , especially to northern Italy , where he developed a lifelong interest in architectural mosaics .
27 March 11-12 Baker makes his first trip to Israel since his appointment as Secretary of State .
28 On Feb. 19 Parliament held its first round of voting to elect a new state President , with the incumbent head of state , Khristos Sartzetakis , as the sole candidate .
29 ( At Lasham I estimated about 1 in 400 people making their first glider flights were very sensitive to low ‘ g ’ . )
30 Shortly after the meeting of the Long Parliament in 1640 Chidley published her first tract , The Justification of the Independent Churches of Christ ( 1641 ) , a refutation of the arguments of Thomas Edwards [ q.v. ] for hierarchical , centralized church government , and a biblical defence of congregational and wifely autonomy .
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