Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a convenient unit , perhaps a useful way of thinking about it is in terms of the time that light takes about eight minutes to reach us from the sun .
2 The first session , after I have finished speaking , will involve 12 speakers addressing you on the theme of the conference , each from his or her specific perspective .
3 The Factory Whistle had been republished a few days before , and beside her Viola kept the pile of six copies sent her by the publishers , with its Lowry-ish cover of tall chimneys and matchstick men .
4 Then begin the real gaieties of Harrogate , then the money flies , and what the landlords of those two establishments take in six weeks keeps them during the rest of the year . ’
5 But as the cockboat went aground on the sandy beach and the six men heaved it above the high-water mark , Harry saw that Sam was not with them , and by the expressions on their faces , he knew that something was wrong .
6 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
7 An oilman offered me fifty petrodollars to blow him in the lift . "
8 Matheson 's defeat by Witt was disappointing following his first round victory over 13th seed Jakob Hlasek but hardly surprising given the 372 places separating them in the world rankings .
9 Matheson 's defeat by Witt was disappointing following his first round victory over 13th seed Jakob Hlasek but hardly surprising given the 372 places separating them in the world rankings .
10 I think you 've probably had enough actually , you get he 's , just have one , one little bit , put your finger in , and then we 're gon na put it in the , er three fingers put it in the wash
11 Although there is much in these three books to put them in the category of Ruritanian adventure , Scott may be a stronger influence .
12 When the screen is completed , a local builder and about half-a-dozen husbands take it to the peace well at the corner of the village green on the Saturday morning .
13 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
14 Powell has earned , the hard way , the respect that prompted a dozen jockeys to telephone him in the week before the race .
15 Three victories took him into the overall lead with 97 points by Christmas .
16 Three guys hijacked it from the Company 's yard but I saw then and climbed into the refridgeration unit at the back .
17 He seemed full of beans though , and after he had given me a rundown on the life cycle of the polyp , three nurses wheeled me across the corridor and into another room .
18 Invitations have been sent to 3,000 businesses asking them to the conference which is backed by the Health and Safety Executive and County Durham Training and Enterprise Council .
19 The events of 5 October convinced him of the need to get involved again .
20 It was a proud day for ‘ The Tip ’ when the dawning of the 89/90 season saw us amongst the Multivite/Singletons elite .
21 Within months , some clients had in excess of 25 dealers contacting them from the same firm ; many were also being contacted from other licensed dealers .
22 When we arrived it seemed such a friendly place , there would be 2 or 3 people to meet you at the gates and welcome you in .
23 Locally there are good walks through pinewoods to the headlands with their panoramic views of the Spetse straits ; one route takes you past the excavations of ancient Porto Heli .
24 The entire world shrank to the mere fifteen feet separating her from the man she had thought never to see again .
25 In 1860 the foreign secretary urged British diplomats not to use unnecessarily " this very costly channel of communication " , and until at least the end of the nineteenth century the ministers in China and Japan , to save money , were still guided , except in serious emergencies , by despatches which took five weeks to reach them via the Suez Canal , or four if they were sent across Canada .
26 As one director put it at the time : ‘ I will not allow my social workers , one of whose core values is honesty , to go into people 's houses and behave in a fundamentally deceitful way ’ .
27 In the new company , Gardner Merchant Services Group , the managers have an initial eight per cent stake , with the prospect of up to 20 per cent if their performance over the next five years justifies it to the rest of the equity holders .
28 The element of time-saving is seen as significant by many employers , and one respondent identified it as the main motive for taking a recruiting problem to a search consultant in the first place .
29 One person recognised him from the Bath Festival .
30 Well that 's thursday behind us and there 's now only one day separating us from the weekend .
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