Example sentences of "[num] [prep] them [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only six of them have the necessary external lockboard battens applied to the cheek and spine .
2 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
3 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
4 Five thousand of them covered the last mile of the march through the Berkshire fields in silence , despite the coldest and wettest Easter for forty years .
5 A number of tentative poems took shape , and five of them form the first section of The Prodigal Son .
6 She never knew which one of them made the first move , but suddenly , unaccountably , she was in his arms , his hands pressing against her back to draw her closer still .
7 One of them extends the Fourth Directive to both partnerships ( whether limited or unlimited ) and unlimited companies , in either case where the partners or shareholders themselves have limited liability .
8 When two crabs meet in a rock pool , one of them grasps the other and ‘ raps ’ vigorously and noisily at the other 's shell .
9 It was therefore important for him to be well informed about events in his own country and in the political world generally ; and ambassadors sometimes asked in their despatches for news which they could trade with their colleagues from other states since , as one of them told the French foreign minister in 1674 , " You know that in [ diplomacy ] as in other ordinary transactions it is necessary to give in order to receive " .
10 Merchants were not famous for taking exception to the behaviour of government appointees , but one of them likened the new Moscow Governor , A. A. Zakrevskii , to an Asiatic khan or Chinese viceroy .
11 Five male People were there , one of them controlling the other four .
12 One of them constructed the astounding rock-hewn churches at Lalibela .
13 ‘ My guess is that one of them found the other end of the conduit , maybe the Fax machine at Pegasus or evidence of Cawthorne acting on information he should n't have had .
14 And there 's only one sure way to do that : recruit and train them individually or in pairs but never let any one of them see the whole list . ’
15 One of them phoned the other every evening .
16 Five other nice but provocable strategies ended up nearly as successful ( frequent in the population ) as Tit for Tat ; indeed , one of them won the sixth run .
17 Two hundred and fifty came from Strathnaver and 104 of them had the same surname : William Mackay .
18 Yesterday , two of them told The Northern Dr Clarke had not mentioned he was standing for the BNP , and that they would not have signed had he said so .
19 Sophie lowered the table and the two of them hoisted the surprised dog on to it and raised the table to a convenient height .
20 Oxford United 's fans , more than fifteen hundred of them made the long journey to Tranmere on Saturday to support their team .
21 But that night , all four of them had the same dream …
22 Merlins will also hunt together , three or four of them chasing the same group of skylarks .
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