Example sentences of "[num] [prep] the few [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are one of the few clubs that could maintain a big staff and keep everybody happy .
2 Because potatoes do not absorb radioactive nucleotides , they are one of the few crops that could be grown safely in the heavily contaminated soils around Chernobyl .
3 He is one of the few engineers or designers still at Browns Lane to have worked with Sir William Lyons , the company 's founder and whose principles still provide much of its inspiration .
4 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
5 America is one of the few countries that , in effect , taxes corporate income twice : once as corporation tax , and a second time as personal-income tax , when the income is paid out as dividends .
6 Singapore is one of the few countries that supports the reality of global business .
7 Mexico is one of the few countries that still allow fishermen to encircle and snare dolphins to catch the tuna that swim with them .
8 Britain , says Ash , must be one of the few countries where being ‘ too clever by half ’ is regarded as a stinging insult .
9 Headline is one of the few companies that has lost no staff during the recession — in fact it has taken more on .
10 Well good luck to you because er you know I can tell you right now we are one of the few companies that take on people in their fifties .
11 It was one of the few times that the pulp glossy pop press produced journalism worth reading .
12 It was a perfect day of hot sun with a light following wind , one of the few times that we were able to sunbathe .
13 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
14 It is one of the few villages that has changed position over the years .
15 Their skills and courage were well tested under South Africa 's apartheid regime , when the Christian Church was one of the few groups that managed to get their voices heard .
16 Their skills and courage were well tested under South Africa 's apartheid regime , when the Christian Church was one of the few groups that managed to get their voices heard .
17 One of the few things that keeps movies worth watching is the vitality of all the marvellous comedians from Saturday Night Live and SCTV : Bill Murray , John Candy and so on , terrific personalities who can bring a vibrancy even to dead scripts . ’
18 These days they appear infrequently , but the prospect of a shopping expedition is one of the few things that are guaranteed to bring them out .
19 Mice were one of the few things that Miss Fogerty could not endure .
20 While we 're on this question , one of the few things that er Theresa did n't say , although perhaps she might have said it when I was n't , I do n't think she did but one of the few things she did n't say is why Freud disapproved of the typical kind of dream book you find in any book shop .
21 Boccia , pronounced botcha , is one of the few games that some cerebral palsy sufferers can play .
22 It involves one of the few regulators that have shown some teeth in standing up to the powers that have been conferred by the Government on privatised British Gas .
23 One of the few areas that we sell out on most match days , and there 's facilities for men and women and we actively develop these areas .
24 The Wedding Present violently oppose most rock 'n' roll ethos , but perhaps one of the few areas where they have shown loyalty to tradition has been their gluttonous appetite for live work .
25 One of the few criticisms that has rankled with Mr Kinnock has been the allegation of cockiness — the presumption he has won before the votes have been counted .
26 Birmingham is one of the few cities where any attempt at sensible provision has been made .
27 4ths are of particular value to guitarists as they are one of the few intervals that consistently sound good with a distorted sound ( try playing thirds with distortion , and you 'll see exactly what I mean ) .
28 POLLING stations 83 and 84 for the village of Hath Qila lie down a dusty track that must be one of the few roads that has not been metalled in the five years that Mr Rajiv Gandhi has been cosseting his home constituency of Amethi .
29 ‘ They are one of the few teams that have come here and attacked us and they did a good job , ’ he said .
30 The Elderflower juice is part of the booming market in adult soft drinks — it 's one of the few businesses that 's beaten the recession .
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