Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We sat on a tree that had been felled and ate some very tasty ham sandwiches -one of the few picnics I have ever been to .
2 It is possible to dial a number and , within seconds , to he speaking to a business acquaintance or friend in Saudi Arabia , the USA or Australia , to name just three of the many countries it is possible to dial direct .
3 A politician might even be asked for land grants in the colonies , as Henry Dundas was , on one occasion by Provost John Buchan of Stirling , who requested the favour for one of the former magistrates who intended to settle in Canada .
4 At one stage in her career , it had seemed you could n't open up a rock paper or one of the tabloids without seeing her tumbling golden mane and her lazy catlike smile captured by one of the many photographers who seemed to dog her every step .
5 Only one of the many newspapers I read mentioned the fact that the assailant was black and it was with the most extreme difficulty that I was able to ascertain from reporters and policemen , who all refused to be named , that the callous passers-by were also black .
6 ( Oh , yes , I had learnt to play this whilst spending a few months in a rotting gaol due to one of the many misunderstandings which plagued my life . )
7 This is just one of the many incidents which local residents have warned about all this time .
8 According to leading dermatologist Professor Malcolm Greaves , one of the many doctors who has tried to treat Graham , there are thousands of conditions which can affect the human skin .
9 We had decided that our last day would be spent sampling one of the many activities which the hotel offered to arrange .
10 We had decided that our last day would be spent sampling one of the many activities which the hotel offered to arrange .
11 The old woman 's son was one of the many prisoners who have subsequently died in the prison .
12 The polymer exists initially in the solid state where it is restricted to only one of the many conformations which are available to it as a free isolated molecule .
13 Expecting it to be someone high up in one of the many companies she had dealings with — though it was unusual for Jimmy not to supply her with a name — she announced efficiently , ‘ Leith Everett . ’
14 Mr Grant 's grandfather was one of the many skippers who used the railway to sell fresh fish to the industrial markets in the hinterland and to London .
15 There was a momentary hesitation while he considered the implications , but it was one of the many challenges he could n't let go .
16 A. The British Rail Sealink ferry is just one of the many ships which frequently cross the Irish Sea .
17 One of the many things which I love about New Scientist is the way you print the odd spoof article or two in the issue nearest 1 April .
18 One of the many things which has changed out of all recognition during my lifetime is our ability to teach languages to mature students .
19 One of the many things which made them successful was the particular dramatic frame they used .
20 I mean if you , you 're the burglar now and you 're planning to break in a house , and you 're looking around at the different houses and you 're trying to , one of the many things you 're trying to do is to establish whether they 're in or out .
21 One of the many things I do n't understand is why Riddle was so generally disliked , even hated .
22 ‘ It 's one of the many things I acquired a taste for at school .
23 One of the many things my parents taught me was how to entertain properly .
24 Besides , it makes more sense to me to believe your brother was the victim of one of the many enemies I 'm sure he made in the course of his life .
25 Tomorrow , he will be paired with a past Masters champion , one of the many traditions which run a rich seam throughout the event .
26 Says Jack : ‘ She learned to sign — one of the many ways she helped deaf people .
27 Tennis is just one of the many sports you can enjoy at Springs(3) .
28 Anyway , the mosque was one of the many subjects he felt it safest to avoid until he had plucked up the courage to go into one .
29 It is still one of the great passions of the Old Delhi-wallahs , and one of the many habits which distinguishes them from their Punjabi neighbours in the New City .
30 Mike , an ex-philosophy student , was going off to Germany in the New Year ; Naomi from Bristol was about to embark on a Museum Studies course at university ; Liane , a weights and measures official , was one of the many volunteers who had helped at Uppark after the fire ; and Hugh , a quantity surveyor currently between jobs , set out to astound us over the next few days with his minimalist clothing ( some ancient jeans which were fashionably ripped at the crotch and a pair of lurid , exceedingly short shorts ) .
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