Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I said at the beginning , the National Health Services was born in 1948 through the efforts of the Labour Party , the first comprehensive free health service in the world .
2 These include snow and ice hazards , where impacts on transport and the need to plan road salting or gritting strategies are obvious ( see Perry et al. 1986 for the beginnings of a GIS approach ) .
3 For example , the " going rate " in 1980 for the chairmen of the major industries ( gas , aerospace , shipbuilding , railways , coal , etc. ) was £48,000 , at a time when the top executives of BP , ICI and the like were earning between two and three times that amount , including bonuses but without accounting for various fringe benefits .
4 Whitley found that ‘ one-half of the directors of the largest industrial companies were former public schoolboys with one-sixth coming from Eton alone ’ ( Scott , 1982 , p. 173 ) .
5 Here in the social services , which , in volume of resources involved , represent between one-third and one-half of the activities of the state , the question , it seems to me , can not be posed by disconnected , spasmodic pluses and minuses but by presenting a broad and large conception of the manner in which resources ought to be redeployed to meet modern realities , and this will not be done without soberly assessing but boldly facing the in-built obstacles to that redeployment .
6 This treaty , written on a mammoth parchment document that was said to hold more signatures than any other treaty in world history , was signed by 49 of the participants in the Second World War .
7 Public judicial review actions are actions brought by way of an Application for Judicial Review ( AJR ) under Order 53 of the Rules of the Supreme Court ( RSC ) .
8 The procedure for applying for the prerogative remedies of certiorari , prohibition and mandamus is contained in Order 53 of the Rules of the Supreme Court ( RSC ) , some provisions of which have been re-enacted in statutory form in section 31 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
9 I decided to be helpful and , rather than bother anyone , I took it upon myself to move about 30 of the magazines to the Women 's Section .
10 Stratford , a royal diplomat , had been provided to Winchester in 1323 against the wishes of the king and paid a heavy penalty for it : his temporalities were seized and exploited for a year , and even after they were restored Stratford was placed under recognizances of £10,000 to the king ( £2000 down and the rest conditional upon his good conduct ) , £1000 to the Despensers , and 1000 marks to the chancellor , Robert Baldock , a clerk for whom Edward had intended the bishopric ; moreover , Stratford was summoned to answer in the King 's Bench for his conduct of a royal mission to the papacy .
11 Para 5.2.3 Under the provisions of the Garden 's Corporate Plan , the postholder will chair the Information and Central Services Planning Unit , which will cover the planning aspects of the Library , Photographic Collection , Computing , Staff Communication , Visitor Information , Public Relations , Publicity , Publications , Administration and Estates , within the Garden 's planning cycle .
12 The Japanese work on SEMP drives began in 1985 under the auspices of the Ship and Ocean Foundation .
13 2 With the fingertips of the leading hand curled around in readiness for a claw-like strike , the rear arm guards against any counter-attack .
14 STEVE DAVIS fought back brilliantly to beat old adversary Jimmy White 9-5 in the quarter-finals of the Coalite World Matchplay in Doncaster last night .
15 Spain 's brother-and-sister team of Emilio and Arantxa Sanchez beat Austria 2-1 in the quarter-finals of the Hopman Cup in Perth , while Yannick Noah lost to Petr Korda during Czechoslovakia 's 3-0 defeat of France .
16 Nekemte , the capital of the western province Welega , fell on April 2 to the forces of the Ethiopian People 's Revolutionary Democratic Front/Movement ( EPRDF , or EPRDM , a Tigrean-led alliance — see p. 38089 and also p. 38053 where it is given incorrectly as the EPDRF ) .
17 CPRW members will be saddened by many references to the destruction of much of the centre of Abergavenny between 1950 and 1980 despite the efforts of the Civic Society and others .
18 Eight of the distilleries in the island have commenced work for the season .
19 The complete DP-1 coding sequence contains an open reading frame encoding 429 in-frame amino acids that includes eight of the peptides from the p46 sequence ( Fig. 1 b ) .
20 A wildlife sanctuary is releasing eight of the animals into a special protected set .
21 The consent of two-thirds of the directors of the House of Industry was necessary before the building could be transferred , and after the Mayor , Dr. George Witt , had met in ‘ a somewhat private way ’ with the Commissioner , a special meeting was called to obtain the required number of signatures .
22 Two-thirds of the members of the Council are nominated by the President , who also selects the rest from a list nominated by the National People 's Assembly .
23 Two-thirds of the members of the Council are nominated by the President , who also selects the rest from a list nominated by the Assembly .
24 Most children simply did not have a fair chance : two-thirds of the homes in the unskilled-worker category had five or fewer books in them , compared with one-twentieth of the professional homes .
25 Soon two-thirds of the activists of the Provisional IRA in Ulster were reported to be in prison either awaiting trial or convicted .
26 About two-thirds of the rooms at The Regent ( ) offer a view of Victoria Harbour and across the bay .
27 Of course , the Conservatives won again in 1983 , but the fact that they secured two-thirds of the seats in the Commons with less than half of the popular vote encouraged the centre parties to cry still louder for electoral reform at the same time as the Left were forced to ponder on the fact that had there been proportional representation then the Conservatives would not have been able to form a government without the moderating support of another party in the coalition .
28 In 1983 , for example , the Conservatives won almost two-thirds of the seats in the House of Commons with less than half the nation 's backing and a modest 30.8 per cent of the total electorate , while the Labour Party won almost a third of the seats with only 27.6 per cent of the votes .
29 In 1990 the DJP merged with two opposition parties : the resulting Democratic Liberal Party ( DLP ) controlled two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly [ see pp. 37187-88 ; 37247 ] .
30 Indeed , the DLP 's control of two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly gave it the option of amending the Constitution of the Sixth Republic from a presidential to a Cabinet-based system .
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