Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [art] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 236 for 2 overnight became 296 for 7 next morning as England bowled themselves back into the game , but Lloyd and Garner put on 83 for the eighth wicket and then Holding and Croft an unbeaten 67 for the tenth as the bowlers tired , enabling Lloyd to declare on 468 .
2 But we lost 6–4 in the 3rd in the final . ’
3 Following Resolution 43/83 on the Antarctic at the previous session [ see p. 36779 ] , part B of Resolution 44/124 expressed its regret that the Antarctic Treaty consultative parties had not invited the UN Secretary-General to meetings held in Paris in May and October 1989 [ see pp. 36989-90 ] , in spite of numerous resolutions to that effect .
4 In Britain , Europe , and the eastern United States it is perhaps customary to think of the decades from the 1830s to the 1880s as the great era of railway-building .
5 Almost three of every four of the new dollars available next year will go for guns , if the budget is approved by Congress .
6 It was divided into three compounds , as well as a small section for high security prisoners ( there were only three of the latter at the time I visited ) .
7 It would be asking a lot of Christie to beat Michael Johnson , Frankie Fredericks and Olapade Adeniken , three of the best in the business , first time out in the 200 metres .
8 The FT Government Securities index currently stands at 88.18 against a high for the year to date of 89.75 and a low of 85.11 ( see panel ) .
9 Scottish pride was given a further boost in the 1470s by the second of the great epics about the Wars of Independence , The Wallace , written by the poet known as Blind Hary .
10 The demand for places continued to grow : in 1952 there were 200 applicants for the 29 Senior places , 55 for the 10 in the Junior School ; in the following year 310 for 44 Senior places ( every so often , three forms were admitted instead of the usual two ) , 70 for the 10 Junior .
11 A further secret payload , for the US Air Force , was launched on Sept. 5 by the last of the ageing Titan 34-D series of rockets .
12 We are taught at school that if , when subtracting , the number on the top is smaller than that on the bottom , we have to carry ten from the left , take the bottom number from that ten and then add the top one — only sometimes we find that the top number on the left is a zero which means that we have to carry ten from the one to the left of that , turn the zero into a nine and then carry the ten … what a complicated process .
13 What is the square root of six point four by ten to the ten to the five ?
14 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
15 In Table 7.1 the three methods are compared , scoring 1 for the best of the three , 2 for the second , and 3 for the worst .
16 Pompeii is the most popular archaeological site in Europe , currently attracting two and a half million people a year , and the present exhibition has already drawn an audience of nearly three-quarters of a million in the USA and Sweden .
17 They are hiding in one of every three of the delicious chocolate eggs .
18 They are hiding in one of every three of the delicious chocolate eggs .
19 The sight of it crossing the line in barely a walk was one of the saddest of the year .
20 And he 'll put one of the Six in the prison .
21 One of the oddest of the new inventions is the Splashguard , a musical gadget which fits inside your toilet bowl .
22 Unionist MPs made much capital from the embarrassment of Liberals who had to vote the Bill down and from the ineffectiveness of John Burns , one of the weakest of the Liberal ministers .
23 If he was a nonentity , one of the lowest of the low , then he wanted his work to reveal what it was like to be such an unfortunate .
24 Lovebird came from St Vincent , one of the smallest of the five large Windward Islands .
25 The little tern , as its name suggests , is one of the smallest of the tern tribe with about eight sub-species ranging widely over both hemispheres .
26 In anyone 's book that is failure of some magnitude , but the fact for English cricket was simply that there were very few players of real Test class around at the time ; after all , when Mike Gatting , one of the best of the county captains , got his chance he won only twice in twenty-two Tests .
27 April 11 : His fabulous ‘ juggling ’ goal in the 3–0 win against Chelsea is hailed as one of the best of the season .
28 Last year 's Australian GP at Phillip Island was one of the best of the year .
29 Despite the unpopularity of politicians , John Major is considered one of the best of the political bunch , with 67% agreeing that he is doing a good job as Prime Minister , housewives , particularly , approve of his performance ( 74% ) , which should raise his confidence for the election .
30 Either they are one of the best of the bunch at home , or they make their name abroad .
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