Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to government figures in the first nine months of 1991 the number of immigrants of German origin ( Aussiedler ) fell to 166,786 from 337,394 for the same period of 1990 , but the number of asylum-seekers rose from 143,826 to 169,785 .
2 The resulting set of lists — which are , in effect , indexes — is shown in Fig. 8.2 for the same records in a data file that have already been shown in Fig.8.1 .
3 It is also assumed that all complex carbohydrate malabsorbed are converted to H 2 with the same degree of rapidity as is the case with lactulose .
4 The May meeting will be on Wednesday 26 May 1993 at the same time in Glasgow Polytechnic .
5 Community regulations and certain provisions of the founding treaties ( such as Article 30 of the EEC Treaty on free movement of goods and Article 85 of the same treaty on competition ) have direct effect , which means that they may be relied on directly by any citizen without the need for any intervening national measures to ‘ receive ’ them and indeed without any possibility for national measures to exclude or modify them .
6 The crime rate was reported on July 6 , 1990 , to have risen by 11.9 per cent over the previous year , and on Oct. 25 , 1991 , to have risen by 10.9 per cent in the first nine months of 1991 over the same period in 1990 .
7 A Home Office statistical bulletin said nationally police recorded an 11pc increase in offences in the last quarter of 1991 over the same period in 1990 .
8 The minority party , realising that they could take advantage of the troubles , persuaded the Duke of Cumberland to issue a warrant against three of the former Councillors for treason and they were committed to Perth prison .
9 His impassioned Contrasts ( 1836 ) is a manifesto , both visual and verbal , for the Gothic , for it contrasts a town in 1440 with the same town in 1840 ( Fig. 30 ) , a comparison in which 1840 fails in every respect .
10 in March 1650 in the same position in the expedition dispatched to Portugal against Prince Rupert [ q.v . ] .
11 [ Further paragraphs provided for early retirement at 57 and for women at 55 in the former GDR under certain conditions . ]
12 An index of loss of mandibles and maxillae from the predator assemblages is given by the numbers of isolated teeth in the assemblages compared with the empty alveolar spaces in the known samples of upper and lower jaws ( which is given by the figures in column 1 , Table 3.6 for molar loss , and column 4 in the same table for incisor loss ) : see Table 3.9 .
13 After shrinking slightly over the past few years , the gap grew to nearly $10 billion during the first four months of this year , up from a little over $6 billion for the same period in 1990 .
14 This compared with £5.2 billion for the same period in 1990 .
15 50 After a half century of building and prosperity in the newly proclaimed Empire , Sigmar vanishes into the east .
16 One of a former battery of Hortons to plug electrical unit ( 5 )
17 I know the erm , remarks made about getting extra people to register and to have their green card , I 'm probably one of a few councillors with a green card .
18 It was in a sad little side street — one of a few survivors from the era of terraced housing before the sprawling council estate was built in the fifties .
19 In order to draw together the threads of the preceding discussion one might in conclusion dwell briefly on the careers of two famous scholars , one of the latter half of the fifteenth century , one of the latter half of the sixteenth century , namely Molla Muslih al-Din Mustafa b .
20 In order to draw together the threads of the preceding discussion one might in conclusion dwell briefly on the careers of two famous scholars , one of the latter half of the fifteenth century , one of the latter half of the sixteenth century , namely Molla Muslih al-Din Mustafa b .
21 It also served for his ink and paint palettes , his gaming boards , and pieces , his caskets and his jewel-cases , one of the latter cut from solid ivory , fitted with knobs , hinges and covers for the feet of gold .
22 The manor house and Ferriby Hall are still extant and remind one of the former grandeur of the High Street .
23 The years in Lubyanka prison in Moscow transformed Wallenberg into a hostage of the Cold War , and then into one of the many errors of the Stalinist period whose truth became too ghastly to reveal .
24 Eventually they found a spot , away from the track but on the edge of one of the many glades in the forest .
25 Certainly we do not need to try to go into the whole causal history of an event in order to specify something — one of the many sets of things — that had the property of making the occurrence of the event necessary .
26 One of the many reactions to the decision of the House of Lords in Caldwell ( 1982 ) was that it went against DPP v.
27 Rostov the Great , Moscow , one of the many sites to be seen from Anna Karenina
28 One of the many proposals for using RIS in nuclear physics concerns the mass of the neutrino and its implication in the missing mass of the Universe ( New Scientist , vol 86 , p 308 ) .
29 Today it houses the Vigili Urbani , one of the many factions of the Italian police forces .
30 He seemed to be haunted by a fear of being forgotten by his friends and Gould became one of the many objects of an obsessive correspondence .
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