Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Youngsters aged between 14 and 18 made their bids for the title of Cleveland 's Young Consumer of the Year at Middlesbrough town hall last night .
2 Fresh from his defeat in the gubernatorial election in Louisiana in November [ see p. 38566 ] , David Duke on Dec. 4 announced his candidature for the Republican nomination .
3 Forlani , 66 , had on May 17 withdrawn his candidacy for the presidency after up to 60 members of parties participating in the former ruling coalition , including many DC deputies , had failed to vote for him in the fifth , sixth and seventh rounds .
4 Vaclav Havel , who had been federal President from June 1989 until July 1992 [ see p. 39015 ] , on Nov. 17 confirmed his candidacy for the post of president of the Czech Republic .
5 Complaint may be made to the local authority environmental health department whose responsibility it is under s.91 of the Public Health Act 1936 to inspect their areas for the detection of nuisance and institute formal proceedings either summarily or in the High Court , where , in their opinion , the odour complained of amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of that Act .
6 While directors like Ken Russell and Nic Roeg carried on along their own idiosyncratic paths , and many of the directors who had flourished in the 1960s packed their bags for the trip to LA , there were no indications that those left behind had begun to face up to the economic realities of British film production , or what would have to be done to patch up the damage done to the craft of filmmaking , more particularly screenwriting , during the dead times of the 1950s and into the 1960s .
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