Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So far as the transfer of the property or the whole or part of the husband 's share in it to the wife is concerned , the provisions set out in Chapter 2 apply and for the reasons there mentioned there is unlikely to be a liability for capital gains tax or inheritance tax .
2 These primer pairs allowed for PCR not only of the AD1 sequence but across its junction with either flanking type III repeat or across the junction of both 5' and 3' flanking repeats .
3 Having calculated the odds , Napoleon III decided that at the moment this was unlikely .
4 Table 5.2 shows that over the period 1971 to 1988 the number employing 1,000 or more workers fell by more than half to leave less than 500 such factories in the whole country .
5 Table 4 demonstrates that in the period covered there was some income redistribution , but mainly towards middle income groups rather than those on the lowest levels .
6 Thus the National Child Development Study which covered all children born during a week in 1958 found that at the age of 7 years there was a far higher proportion of children from the lower socio-economic groups who had not been immunised against smallpox , polio and diphtheria .
7 In Holland opposition to the ambitious and unsuccessful foreign policy of King William I meant that in the quarter-century 1825 – 50 the number of missions abroad was reduced by five , while four others were downgraded and the salaries of Dutch diplomats cut by an average of a quarter .
8 The Costs of Leases Act 1958 provides that in the absence of agreement in writing to the contrary , each party to a lease bears its own solicitor 's costs , and this should be the position .
9 The Anova in Table 6 ; Table 7 and Table 8 show that as the level of processing increases , words are better recognised .
10 Figure 9.1 shows that on the basis of their orbits they can be divided into three groups .
11 Goodman v Gallant [ 1986 ] 1 All ER 311 held that in the absence of any claim for rectification or rescission of the original conveyance , evidence could not be subsequently given in support of an unequal divison following severance .
12 Section 1 provides that on the death of any person ( after the commencement of that Act ) all causes of action subsisting against or vested in him survive against or , as the case may be , for the benefit of , his estate .
13 Figure 15–3 shows that at the equilibrium point E the marginal utility of the last film equals its marginal cost .
14 Social commentators of the 1950s and early 1960s claimed that with the burgeoning of the ‘ affluent society ’ the major class inequalities of industrial society were a thing of the past .
15 Figure 7.2 shows that as the age of the pupil increases , so the proportion of women teachers decreases .
16 Fred Robertson 's record was outstanding ; he had taken part in 189 interception sorties , and been credited with ten confirmed , three probables and seven damaged while on the island ; his assessment as a fighter pilot endorsed in his logbook by Sqn.Ldr .
17 Several thousands went and by the autumn , six months later , when they were allowed to return to their pillaged homes , almost half had died , of disease and malnutrition .
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