Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [pron] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Assumptions 1 and 2 embody our characterization of the open shop union .
2 However , Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk had signed a decree on Dec. 12 appointing himself commander of the estimated 1,200,000 Soviet troops in Ukraine , and on Dec. 17 , following a vote in the republican Supreme Soviet , Azerbaijan 's President Ayaz Mutalibov declared himself Commander-in-Chief of the " non-strategic " military forces stationed in Azerbaijan .
3 Le Monde of Dec. 15 , 1990 , also reported that the PCF-dominated trade union organization , the Confédération générale du travail ( CGT ) would from March 1991 lose its control of the trade union structure of the nationalized Renault vehicle manufacturing company for the first time since 1945 .
4 His financial difficulties , however , compelled Henry III in 1237 and yet again in 1253 to repeat his confirmation of the Charters in return for an aid from the magnates .
5 His 62 wickets at 7.28 put him top of the Minor County averages .
6 The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 embodied his division of the world between them along a not-very-precisely defined meridian line running about 45° West .
7 On the steps of the Great Hall of the People and under the portrait of Chairman Mao , thousands voiced their disapproval of the government which would not allow the freedoms they desired .
8 Although Edward apparently promised him the captaincy of Berwick in September 1319 , during the English siege of the town , and grants continued to come his way during 1320 , his allegiance was soon to be severed by the ambitions of Despenser , whose attempts in 1320–1 to enlarge his share of the Gloucester inheritance in south Wales raised the whole march against him .
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