Example sentences of "[vb base] over [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 No I nip over to the shop and get it from near .
2 Swanwick Junction signal box , the former Kettering box , is the scene for the tablet change over between the signalman and the driver of 55015 .
3 From the start , go down the ladder , grab the crate and kill the green blob , jump down the hole into the water , swim over to the ladder and get out , avoiding the workman in the process , continue right , kill the blob and move into the ladder , climb up and collect the records ( avoiding the broken ones ) , dive down the hole , swim right to the open/close door then go up the ladder , pick up the crate and jump out the open gap onto the railway line and lob the crate at the workman , move left over the trains ( killing the blobs with spare crates if you wish ) until you reach the end .
4 Erm no , I 'm normally I 'm , funny I was over that way last weekend cos er , you know , pop over to the beach and things .
5 If you wan na come , drive over on the thing and come , what we 'll do , we 'll do what we do when we bring Pat and Alan .
6 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same …
7 Bounce over to the typewriter and have a look at this contract I 've drawn up .
8 John Dykstra , with Richard Edlund and others , was able to set up a camera rig that moved very precisely in metal tracks , with the camera on an arm that could move up and down , while the camera itself could pan from side to side or tilt up and down or any combination or roll over to the side and also change focus as needed .
9 Kay said I know , I said Kay you could n't begin to imagine what he does , and of course she said , and she had been doing that erm painting , Father came in and said something like oh you , you 've done a good job there , but she said he never said oh go over to the kitchen and get a cup of tea
10 We both go over to the mirror and look at it .
11 Go over to the hospital and relieve the local man .
12 Right , we 've got they go over to the studios and start recording .
13 Oh it 'd be better for him to put that fire on at night time and go over in the morning and switch it off .
14 And as soon as I got a little older , I tell you , they 'd sell a horse , and my father hopped on the bike , come over to the school and got me out ; and I come home here , hopped on the old horse 's back and rode to Yarmouth or Norwich , wherever they sold it .
15 Come over to the lamp and let me see . ’
16 Come over to the fire and get warm . ’
17 ‘ Then come over to the fire and steam a little . ’
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