Example sentences of "[vb base] only [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Baker 's party takes a different view ; they 've only to explain to the public how we 're going to succeed if we do n't invest in our own future , in our education and training and in good social services for our people , because I do n't see how it can be done .
2 ‘ SSDs need only to look at the legislation to see they should be meeting the needs of the black community through mainstream budgets ’ .
3 ‘ You have only to hop over the wall to reach them , supposing their dogs do n't get you . ’
4 We have only to look at the animal kingdom ; a creature in the wild will never overeat and , even if it has had to put effort into the hunting and killing of its prey , it will stop eating when it has had enough and walk away from the food .
5 You have only to look at the shape and solidness of a barbel to see where he gets his speed and power .
6 We have only to look at the string of sell-offs of assets of the former National Bus Company groups after privatisation to demonstrate conclusively that those are not far-fetched fears or exaggerated concerns .
7 The illegals have only to look at the plight of the large Korean minority — 690,000 of Japan 's 1.1 million registered foreign residents — to know they will never be accepted in this xenophobic land .
8 You have only to look down the hall at this moment . ’
9 We have only to look around the Chamber to know that this Parliament is finished ; it is dead .
10 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
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