Example sentences of "[vb base] out on [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Light from the desk-lamp fell on his hands spread out on the blue blotting-paper , thin hands with thin fingers , only half the size they would become .
2 The rest of the section were standing in the rain with all their clothes spread out on the wet grass because he had not wanted to admit that he was ill .
3 It could be a unique occasion ( possibly hilarious ) and a fitting bash to celebrate a decade has seen trainer wear break out on a massive scale .
4 Travellers journeying into the town no longer look out on an industrial wasteland the ramshackle legacy of Darlington 's past .
5 ‘ The marshal , ’ complained one of his officers even before they set out on the futile march to Carlisle , ‘ is infirm and peevish … both in body and mind , forgetful , irresolute and perplext . ’
6 Set out on the Great Package Tour of the Skies . ’
7 Then , once dressed , I set out on the great excursion : shopping , errands , and a treat in a cafe .
8 There was a damp start for fund-raisers yesterday , when walkers set out on the annual march from Cultra to Bangor to raise funds for the Northern Ireland Hospice in Belfast 's Somerton Road .
9 And so I set out on the long journey back to Thornfield .
10 Last year I set out on the same quest , but met with little success .
11 But , thanks to the kindness of a lady in the petrol depot who agreed to phone our host when a delivery was about to be made and where , we eventually refuelled at about 9.00 am on Thursday we set out on the last leg of our journey .
12 Set out on the white lace tablecloth were matching cups and saucers , and a plate with bread and butter and teacakes on it .
13 Most people provide small items set out on an open plan system , which gives the children a great deal of choice .
14 Caroline Flint says the change does n't address the real problem : that all women lose out on the right level of postnatal care .
15 What else could I do , I replied — bale out on the Iraqi trenches ?
16 SPLASH out on a luxury meal that wo n't break the bank at Tesco .
17 Roll out on a floured board to ¼in/5mm thick and cut into rounds .
18 Roll out on a floured board to ¼in/5mm thick and cut into rounds .
19 When the offer first came up we 'd had an even lower-budget series go out on a national US cable network but , apart from that critically-lauded effort , no TV experience .
20 With almost half the present team threatening to retire at the end of the season — and who can blame them if it means that they go out on a high note — this was excellent news .
21 ‘ We go out on the last night , ’ said Rodney .
22 YORKSHIRE today start out on the last day of their annual visit to Middlesbrough but will it also be their final championship appearance at Acklam Park ?
23 ‘ Dead-end ’ partnerships evidently bring little reward to women who miss out on the normal progression from junior to senior status and the accompanying benefits .
24 Orthega and Paschero , however , consider all diseases to be due to environmental causes and miss out on the inherited factors present in the cause of the disease .
25 If we talk to people only enough to get the job done , we miss out on the added pleasure we can get from developing relationships at work .
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