Example sentences of "[vb base] their [noun sg] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Entrants had to pick one of the four sections and develop their design from the abstract ideas that they found there .
2 King Priam 's widow Hecuba and other women await their fate from the victorious Greeks .
3 Erm in the American system of government the state governments draw their authority from the same source as the federal government , that is the constitution of the United States .
4 While there are a few things in digital technology which have no possible representation in analogue form — infinite impulse response filters are a good example — most digital blocks derive their shape from the original analogue function .
5 The government and President Mubarak derive their legitimacy from the overwhelming support of the Egyptian people .
6 Assigns acquire their meaning through association with other signs or words and so are more complicated than signs , which derive their meaning from the direct experience of the individual ( Rivers 1964 ) .
7 First , because the defendants being an emanation of the Crown , which is the source and fountain of justice , are in my opinion bound to maintain the highest standards of probity and fair dealing , comparable to those which the courts , which derive their authority from the same source and fountain , impose on the officers under their control : see In re Tyler [ 1907 ] 1 K.B .
8 All moral rules it seems , derive their strength from the original incest taboo and lose their reliability if this taboo is weakened .
9 This season 's eye and lip colours take their cue from the current international designer collections .
10 Sevillana are similar to Flamenco and take their name from the Andalusian city of Seville , from which they originate .
11 In kung fu the hands take their shape from the particular animals whose fighting techniques the practitioner is imitating .
12 This process is guaranteed by the spirits of the earth , who withdraw their protection from the human community when it is divided by quarrelling .
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