Example sentences of "[vb base] been [vb pp] by a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You-have been tried by a panel of your fellow officers and found guilty .
2 I 've been asked by a market research to do I 've got a tape on it 's for , dictionaries .
3 I 've been asked by an inflight magazine , of all things , for 1,000 words on the state of publishing .
4 If someone knows they 've been contaminated by a needle or a knife , for instance , then I think the testing certainly is available . ’
5 It 's when the family come in and they 've been prepared by a doctor whose speciality it is , and they have lists of things that they have witnessed you do , that have embarrassed and humiliated them .
6 Every area you look at South Africa in a report I gave to the Norwegian government which they commissioned we pointed out every area is like a major disaster area as if you 've been hit by an earthquake in every area of human activity and that situation needs something like a martial plan if we are , a martial aid plan , if we 're to address it but in the world we live in there 's no prospect of such assistance coming to Southern Africa .
7 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
8 TWO youths have been cleared by a Teesside Crown Court jury of hurling missiles at police during a fracas on a Middlesbrough estate .
9 This is the polar opposite of those who have been brainwashed by an ideology , and who lose all sense of being individuals .
10 Thousands of live bullets have been unearthed by a man digging his garden .
11 ‘ I have been contacted by a number of my constituents , who work for Clwyd County Council , expressing their concerns about the way they will be represented during the period of local government reorganisation .
12 The Government claims that income support rates have been increased by an amount to cover what on average is the 20 per cent rate bill for the entire country .
13 Exporters , who have been aided by a combination of favourable currency exchange rates and the harmonisation of the open European Community market , are able to trade profitably — in spite of record cattle values .
14 Since the Life Peerages Act 1958 the hereditary nobility have been reinforced by a trickle of people , usually fairly elderly , whose titles do not pass on to their heirs .
15 Whenever we work with data values that have been generated by a growth process , we will have a better chance of revealing regularities in their behaviour if we convert them first to logs .
16 It is useful , however , to know that the modules scan correctly when , for example , the headers have been generated by a novice user .
17 If such an enclosure existed it would presumably , as at Corbridge , have been fortified by a masonry wall .
18 They have been joined by a host of small ‘ micro brewers ’ producing a limited barrelage but adding variety and choice in the genuine free trade .
19 The arguments for disabled employment rights in Britain have been fuelled by a number of factors .
20 Regional nerves have been strained by a plan to cut off water from Syria and Iraq for a month , and by the Syrian shooting down of a Turkish civilian plane in October .
21 The fifth paragraph of that has the proposed council tax bands the county council services but these have been amended by a letter you 've been sent dated the twenty- first of January , as a result of information from council regarding their tax base .
22 The illustrations have been done by an adult artist , but taken from Richard' ; s original ideas .
23 They have been inspired by a reverence for the so-called ‘ feminine ’ , an essentially patriarchal construct which participates in the whole Madonna/whore syndrome .
24 French government plans to build a road tunnel through the Pyrenees have been blocked by a court ruling .
25 A professional cavalier , who enjoyed excelling at the game of soldiering , who gave his orders with the perfect authority of a corps whose drills have been tempered by a score of successful wars , a hundred victories , a million unsung deaths .
26 Here , the intergranular pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement leaving only leached porosity , and the sonic log displays a very clear downward-decreasing porosity profile in the uppermost unit of oolitic grainstone ( Fig. 18 ) .
27 In the second well , however , the sonic log indicates that the upper unit is much tighter and the core descriptions suggest that the pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement .
28 The whole school have been absorbed by a prospect on islands , with different classes creating different kinds — a tropical island , a desert island and magical , polar , treasure and volcanic varieties .
29 Central staff numbers have been cut by a quarter , including the closure of the office in Washington DC .
30 Central staff numbers have been cut by a quarter , including the closure of the office in Washington DC .
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