Example sentences of "[vb base] n't [verb] about [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't care about people at all .
2 I 'd have liked it once , Mrs Sutherland , but you do n't care about people at all .
3 Do n't joke about things like that Paul , please !
4 I do n't know about port in a storm , said Dolly , more like an Army parade ground .
5 Books : Poets ' inner worlds and the world of poets There are some poets who do n't write about Soho in the Forties , says Hugo Williams
6 Do n't worry about things like that . ’
7 Do n't worry about items in a collection being too similar — a collection of ducks , for example , might be made of wood , iron , china , plaster , stuffed fabric , bright , dull , plain or patterned .
8 I do n't worry about business in the money sense .
9 I do n't daydream about things in my future very much because I must admit I have n't got much to daydream for — because I 'm very lucky , I 've got a lovely house , a lovely husband ; we go on lovely holidays , we lead a nice social life , I 've got lovely clothes — I ca n't really daydream and say I wish I was this , I wish I was that .
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