Example sentences of "[vb base] n't really [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't really want trouble at the school , do we ? ’
2 → We do n't really see Guitarist as a poster magazine , although we appreciate the fact that you approve so highly of James Cumpsty 's photos .
3 Cos that 's one reason a lot of Harlow people do n't know what 's on do n't erm you know they they do n't really have contact with erm they do n't always use Harvey .
4 We ca n't really imagine ourselves you do n't really have sympathy for any of the characters in the .
5 Perhaps if you do n't really like farce as a as a kind of comedy then
6 We do n't really understand voodoo in America .
7 ‘ You see , my dear , you do n't really need advice at all .
8 What the , I believe committees have never had and least of all Mr papers produced on behalf of Mr have never had a serious rigorous objective assessment of the vacancy situation of the future which first of all starts from issue a rolling programme of refurbishments that we have n't really seen sight of the of the implications of that on the number of vacancies .
9 Erm well I feel we have n't really done justice to Johnson .
10 I have n't really got hold of this yet .
11 But that 's , that 's a situation that , you know , you have n't really got control of when it arrive .
12 Particularly if you 're flying under radar , along the ground , you have n't really got time to erm avert the eyes from the occasional tree .
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