Example sentences of "[vb base] n't take any [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lawrence feels like going back and saying to her ‘ It 's all right , do n't take any notice of that mental lunatic ’ ( p. 304 ) , thereby offering a new inflection of the erotic triangle : intervening between Swift and Celia , Lawrence displaces his own anal neurosis on to Swift while offering his healthy ideal self to Celia — or rather he seeks to become his ideal self in her eyes .
2 Do n't take any notice of George , ’ said Lomas to me .
3 Do n't take any notice of him . ’
4 Then Maggie 's fingers touching his sleeve lightly stopped his departure as she said , ‘ Do n't take any notice of her , sit yourself down there . ’
5 ‘ I do n't take any notice of this pessimistic talk about statistics being against Leger winners in the Arc .
6 They do n't take any notice of us at all .
7 Do n't take any notice of Sarah .
8 Do n't take any notice of him , but I have got a nice meat pie here for you .
9 ‘ Oh , do n't take any notice of that ! ’ said Miss Matthews with a grin .
10 On the way out old Ford said , ‘ Do n't take any notice of my wife .
11 I had the microphone like that nobody even knows it 's on there do n't take any notice of it .
12 You do n't take any notice of them do you ?
13 He do n't take any notice of me , I do n't .
14 Do n't take any notice of anyone around here , it means mouthy , okay ?
15 I told you , do n't take any notice of him .
16 Do n't take any notice of this , this is my friend Marc here , he 's speaking a lot of crap at the moment .
17 Yeah , but it depends what , how it takes , what form it takes if he 's if it 's sort of their others are of similar ability , okay , but if it 's because , if people do n't take any notice of him because of
18 no just because of they 're that type , they do n't take any notice of anybody
19 A spokesman for the Worldwide Fund for Nature commented : ‘ We do n't take any satisfaction from the killing but the deer need to be culled to protect the important wildlife in this part of the country . ’
20 And they do n't take any crap from anyone , I tell you !
21 ‘ She thinks I do n't take any care over my appearance . ’
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