Example sentences of "[vb base] it and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I grab it and squirt it at the gape of her frightened mouth .
2 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
3 I 'd find something as er pretty near to what I wanted , you know and I could perhaps , and did , use what 's called beeswax a lot , you know and er warm it up and ply it and put it onto er something to make it to what the shape I wanted , you know .
4 Then either dismantle clean , lubricate and reassemble the old valve , or remove it and replace it with a more modern and reliable one .
5 If you 're not going to fly , remove it and store it in a dry spot .
6 Well can you empty one of those and put it and put it in that bucket .
7 So , Sir , because of that quality of the Queen 's Speech , I support it and recommend it to the House .
8 Once it 's cool , cover it and keep it at 5°C or colder , or freeze it .
9 Simply complete it and send it with your payment direct to Transend .
10 The object is to ride on an unusual or distinctive tram , photograph it and to place it in unusual locations where it is not usually to be seen .
11 ‘ I thing it is my forte to take something like a relationship , and then examine it and mirror it in different songs , it 's actually the same relationship but looked at from a different way .
12 He snatched it from my hand , read it and returned it without looking at me .
13 Where in previous years these vessels had been purely large fishing vessels loading salted fish into barrels for immediate export to their own ports , now there came great numbers of large factory ships and modern trawlers which could process fish , package it and freeze it for indefinite periods .
14 Glynn 's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar ( I only live in Aberdeen ! ) , modify it and return it within a few working days .
15 Will the Prime Minister state clearly and concisely that , irrespective of the place or the audience or the day of the week , he has but one policy for the fourth Trident submarine — to build it , equip it and send it to sea armed for the nation 's defence ?
16 When Councillor and his Party showed the care and concern they have for our staff , when sixty members of our staff on that day attended a committee meeting of this Council to see the Labour leader open it and shut it without any debate whatsoever and walk out of the room .
17 And everybody was aware that this was the norm , and so you accept it and take it for granted .
18 No , not by any means , but of course , when the weather is right , people just accept it and take it for granted .
19 go and get it and bring it in here
20 Indeed , most forms of agriculture do not so much disturb the natural environment as destroy it and replace it by a manmade artefact .
21 Scald it and scour it like a doorstep .
22 Even more insulation is given by looking at all things from the transcendent level , for then each event is looked at as if it is seen through coloured lenses that transfigure it and place it in another dimension and time .
23 Expand it and throw it onto the ground on the other side of the wheelbarrow .
24 Help us to cleanse it and hold it safe from the Godless forces of Communism that surround it and threaten it from within .
25 Metabolism is the process by which you take in food , use it and convert it into energy and heat , er several days , so there were several days after the baby 's born when it 's really very much at risk of getting cold injury .
26 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
27 Either to , you know , write down delegation that you 're giving somebody , and then photocopy it and give it to them .
28 So you can write down the delegation and photocopy it and give it to somebody .
29 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
30 And often we are the people who embroider it and overbear it with all the complications ent that that are that are part of it .
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