Example sentences of "[vb base] it [adv] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here is my way of making ‘ cut and sew ’ buttonholes , I find it especially useful on difficult yarns , for example , bouclés .
2 Its effectiveness at low concentrations , and cheapness make it particularly suitable for high volume industrial requirements , treating large areas or circulating at relatively high speed in clean-in-place systems and for process water disinfection .
3 Importantly , speedier and more sophisticated forms of transport and electronic communications make it increasingly possible for these two forms of work to be in contact despite their physical separation or ‘ stretching ’ over time and space .
4 Experience in the capital and Manchester has shown , the level of violence linked to crack , make it very different from other drug trafficking .
5 What you need to do is to be able to provide a private sector a certain level of certainty , that the concession will be er granted long enough so that one can recover both your costs an=and certainly be able to make a profit and so er to the extent that the franchises that are being considered are short natured , seven years , er that becomes rather disadvantageous and unattractive er concessions of twenty and thirty and forty years , and and really thirty thirty to forty year period er do make it in fact make it very attractive for private sector involvement .
6 ‘ You make it very difficult for any man to resist you .
7 They make it very difficult for British firms to make acquisitions , especially hostile bids , and show the ‘ single market ’ to be in reality a very one-sided affair , pivoted far too much against British interests .
8 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
9 Does the press narrow popular conceptions of rape and make it more difficult for raped women to obtain justice ?
10 Those who can pay but refuse to do so muddy the waters and make it more difficult for local Labour councils to adopt and sustain humane collection policies .
11 The very short duration of most of the " events " for which they are providing services , and the gaps which occur between these " events " , make it highly appropriate for such organizations to bring in labour on a casual basis .
12 It was important to us in developing a new system now that we are very much of a worldwide supplier of accounting solutions , that we make it truly useable in all countries of the world .
13 For Marxists , too , as an area becomes developed it can acquire characteristics which make it less attractive to capitalist production .
14 Cuts of that level would decimate the existing service and make it almost impossible for underdeveloped areas of the service such as facilities for children with physical disabilities , imaginative respite , and family-based care schemes and improved under-fives facilities to be developed .
15 Because we think it so characteristic of human activity , we tend to assume that tool-using behaviour must demand special , exceptional intellectual skills .
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