Example sentences of "[vb base] it [adv] [adj] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
2 Disabled people find it increasingly difficult to gain access to council housing , and homelessness among physically disabled people increased by 92 per cent between 1980 and 1986 compared with 57 per cent among all types of household ( Morris , 1988a , p. 6 ) .
3 Many people at midlife find it incredibly hard to get time to sit down , let alone spend an extra hour in bed .
4 Every two years the Medau College holds a Whitsuntide course for Medau teachers and I always find it most stimulating to renew contact with our German colleagues .
5 The Type II model may lead to inequity between health care groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , i.e. mainly elective surgery .
6 On the other hand , Type II systems would appear to allow little scope for equity between groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , that is mainly elective surgery .
7 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
8 ‘ I find it immensely satisfying to witness proof that behaviour such as yours does n't occur without penalty of some sort .
9 Frankly , I find it extremely difficult to make judgments about any of the 5,451 AIDS sufferers , let alone the 16,828
10 Humans find it relatively easy to read sentences such as packmybagswithfivedozenextraliquorjugs and will generally use orthographic and syntactic information to do this , finding the word boundaries subconsciously .
11 would have thought that graduates find it more difficult to impart knowledge to people than anybody else .
12 Hearing people have significantly better recall for items which they vocally repeat at presentation , while deaf people find it more difficult to recall items when they have to overtly repeat the sign when it is presented .
13 A preliminary exploratory questionnaire study made it clear that subjects find it very difficult to give accident figures unless they have some anchors for their estimates .
14 Men find it very difficult to accept cure , or care , from another man .
15 Most women find it very difficult to express anger openly and honestly , particularly to men .
16 In addition , the contributions made by LASMO and other supporters meant that local students , who find it very difficult to get funding , were able to take part in a project in their own country .
17 The problem for the media is that they find it very difficult to secure agreement across the political spectrum as to what would be accepted as impartially presented news .
18 I find it very amusing to see Mr Punch describe Robert Maxwell as a ‘ lying , cheating , bullying , drunken conman ’ .
19 I find it quite easy to understand information using numbers , such as tables , accounts , technical data , graphs or statistics
20 Some people assert their status almost exclusively through control tactics , and find it almost impossible to ask questions that are not disguised advice or judgement .
21 Two of the three ‘ motives ’ outlined above are of special importance to the study of implementation , since the removal of some aspects of policy making from direct political influence and deference to special interests both introduce complications that make it particularly difficult to distinguish policy making from implementation .
22 The difficulties of the student in arranging pupillage make it rather theoretical to give advice on the assumption that he can pick and choose .
23 The second one is that there is proper provision erm available for erm the particular disabilities which the children have within the ordinary school , that the other children in the school also receive proper provision — you can see what 's in the mind of the drafters of the bill there , that if you have some children who could potentially be disruptive , then they might in fact make it very difficult to educate children without these special handicaps .
24 Those messages like ‘ Little boys do n't cry ’ , ‘ Keep a stiff upper lip ’ and ‘ Maintain a brave face ’ make it very difficult to describe experiences where we did not feel in control and did not appear invulnerable .
25 International copyright arrangements institutionalise peripherality and make it more expensive to obtain access to knowledge of all kinds .
26 Modern composite materials make it relatively easy to tackle walls , ceilings and floors , and of course double glazing is the accepted solution for reducing condensation on window surfaces .
27 Following Bennett , we regard it as admissible to frame theories of perception ( or ‘ registration ’ ) and of ‘ proto'-belief and desire to explain the actions of certain creatures , provided their behaviour is complex enough , and subject also to the usual caveats of holistic method .
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