Example sentences of "[vb base] the [noun pl] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How did Tony Jacklin ( " I 'm 100 per cent certain of victory " ) make the pairings for the opening Foursomes ?
2 Andre Fabre 's Oaks winning fillies Intrepidity and Wemyss Bight head the entries for the Prix Vermeille , which has also drawn Paul Cole 's Bright Generation and Richard Hannon 's Dana Springs .
3 In particular , they provide the preconditions for the emergence of a class of producers and a class of non-producers .
4 These processes provide the foundations for the ego , and thus become highly integral and largely intractable .
5 The local government lawyer works at the centre of the organisation using professional skills in support of the chief executive , the management team and the departments that provide the services for the public .
6 The Economist circulation is now five hundred and twenty five thousand each week , and although their er year is out of sync with ours , I expect the profits for the year to be at or near record levels once again .
7 Some of the subjects like science and history have attempted to be positive in the curriculum content so that the children attain the targets for the subjects , but also become better educated in terms of quality issues .
8 Just to be safe , turn off the electricity and remove the fuses for the downstairs lighting Circuit and the upstairs ring main while you do this on the first floor — these cables are under the floorboards .
9 Mix the ingredients for the tandoori marinade : the yoghurt , garlic , lime juice , ginger , coriander , anise , chilli powder , garam masala and salt to taste .
10 Bake the cake(s) for the time specified in the chart , or in the case of the basic quantity given here , about 25 minutes until golden and just firm when lightly pressed .
11 The authors put the reasons for the concentration mainly down to mergers between accounting firms , and voluntary auditor changes .
12 It is hard not to sympathise with those simple-minded viewers and tabloid newspaper editors who mistake the characters for the actors .
13 The dashed lines on the neck in fig.2 show the positions for the neck muscle blocks , but neither these nor the small triangular piece at the base of the neck are fitted until after the head has been carved and fitted to the body .
14 By acknowledging sources , you show the foundations for the speculations or conclusions you yourself are adding .
15 I then marked out and cut the joints for the glazing bars .
16 Company law is examined against the wider background of the Community rules which grant equal access to the markets of other member states , and which harmonise the conditions for the exercise of particular types of business activity .
17 The problem is , it seems that the , both the Liberal and the Labour budgets do precisely the opposite , they 've obviously decided to adopt an approach of spend , spend , spend now and hang the consequences for the future .
18 A lot of first publication trade paperbacks appear simultaneously in hardback , in which case I give the details for the trade paperback while mentioning the availability of the hardback .
19 If there is doubt and unbelief to be overcome , it is outside of us , and like St George we must venture out of the camp and slay the dragons for the honour of faith .
20 The officers of the council attend the committees for the purpose of giving facts to the committee and of tendering advice arising out of their professional knowledge and experience .
21 Bass playing out of New Order , squiggly sensory overloading out of The Shamen , ambience out of The Orb , guitars out of a host of Scallydelic outfits ; set the controls for the heart of the crash pad and pass the pipe .
22 Set the controls for the heart of Planet Orb …
23 We will be entering into a legal agreement with the er , the council to basically erm , set the criteria for the scheme this will establish the mix and the tenure er of the , of the er the scheme and to ensure that it it adheres to the , to the master plan .
24 It became an essential research tool in the early quest for controlled thermonuclear fusion , helped to clarify the scope of the problem of heating , containing and controlling the deuterium fuel , and set the parameters for the development of the subsequent fusion research programme .
25 The responsible manager must ensure that his company is greener than green on all the major issues according to current opinion , demonstrate to the world at large that this is so , and , for the future , to help form opinions and set the standards for the company 's own as well as the common good .
26 Whatever the cellular origin of the chemiluminescence , it is also important to identify the biochemical reaction(s) that produce the precursors for the myeloperoxidase reaction that produces hypochlorous acid .
27 Staff understand the reasons for the Government and Commercial split but not the isolation of Services , in general giving rise to ‘ Cynicism and demotivation and reducing productivity . ’
28 Please note the schedules for the Christmas period may change after we go to press .
29 So not only can a back bencher shout the odds for the fur trade , the police , the bookies or whoever in exchange for money but worse , the chairman of the Home Affairs Committee can be on the payroll of a private security firm without anyone thinking there might be the tiniest conflict .
30 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
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